

Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Does anyone ever get the "urge" to go back playing?

The standard of football in some games is woeful and makes me consider returning to the other side!
A&H International
Not any more, my playing days are long behind me. I do agree with you about the standard of football. As referees we have the best viewing position and I am rarely impressed by individual players of teams but maybe I'm just old and cynical.
i'm still playing, ( i think theres a few of us on here that still are ) and i'd agree, the amount of times during a game i'd be thinking "i'd have done this, or that" does make you think the standard is reasonably poor in general.
however that surely means that theres more and more people playing football in general, which is a good thing .
I never get the urge to go back to playing, I prefer refereeing. Partly this is because I was a goalkeeper and frankly it's boring playing in goal. You're not involved in 80% of the game. The ref is involved all the time. Also, I'm a better ref than I was player. I referee in higher divisions than I ever played in (in the same league).
I still play...

Well, I did until I ruptured my back on day one of this season :(

I do miss the banter in the changing room before and after games.

Also miss the gritty one-on-one battles you get as a player. I always played right wing back so had the luxury of marking a left winger and attacking a left back in each game.
I stopped playing about 10 years ago and at the time thought it was the right decision. It was nice to have weekends free and dedicate time to career and family. I didn't miss it then but do now and that is part of the reason why I've got into refereeing. i also help coach my son's team since he started playing 2 years ago.
I noticed I really missed it when I heard the sound of the ball hitting the net in training ground game! Still one of the sweetest sounds to my ears...
Never get the urge to play again, and I'm only 19!! Packed in when I was 14 after leaving a football league academy and 9 months later was on a referee course. In the first couple of months after I stopped playing I missed it a bit but since I picked up the whistle I've never looked back.