Touring with Wife/Girlfriend


RefChat Addict
Three points before I start....

1. I'm aware that this could go in a different forum but I'd like a quicker answer and this gets more traffic!
2. Yes this means someone is stupid enough to marry me.
3. This would also apply for Husbands/Boyfriends!

I'd love to do a tournament abroad but like most would struggle to be willing/allowed to take up mine and my wifes holiday time up on refereeing related activity when realistically it's be our/my only holiday of the year.

However if I could find one where she could come, it was say 4-5 days max meaning we could have a 'proper' holiday afterwards then we'd both be delighted (in fact she'd encourage it!).

Has anyone got any suggestions? Obviously this would mean I'd want to stay in a hotel with her and not in accommodation with you smelly oiks!

Has anyone ever done it? Feedback?
A&H International
I have done this several times as a coach rather than a referee but I don't see why doing it as a referee wouldn't work just as well. On each occasion we went to tournaments in Scandinavia - the Dana, Gothia and/or Norway Cups, then took a holiday afterwards. The Dana Cup is held in North Jutland, one of the most popular holiday regions in Denmark and both Gothenburg and Oslo can be used as the basis of a subsequent holiday. For instance, after the Norway Cup you coud do a fjord and/or Land of the Midnight Sun tour.
Easter and Spring Soccer Festivals. Butlins at Skegness!! Can't beat a bit of British beach resorts... :p :confused:
Easter and Spring Soccer Festivals. Butlins at Skegness!! Can't beat a bit of British beach resorts... :p :confused:

I won't say Skegness is a beach resort, more like a "sand pit", with the emphasis on pit...:poop:

I am allowed being from near there.:D