Just had a shocker


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Just had an absolute shocking game.

I lost concentration for a while, I think because the quality of the game was very very poor. (Div 5, the lowest division of our Sunday League (the teams were 2nd bottom and 4th bottom)

Because of that, I got some very basic decisions wrong (direction of throw-ins etc), or so I was told by players from both teams.

Was told I was the 'Worst Ref ever' by multiple members of both teams, including the team winning 8-1!

Feel like I've let myself down to be honest. I'm on a real downer now because I know I am far better than the performance I put in.
A&H International
Just had an absolute shocking game.

I lost concentration for a while, I think because the quality of the game was very very poor. (Div 5, the lowest division of our Sunday League (the teams were 2nd bottom and 4th bottom)

Because of that, I got some very basic decisions wrong (direction of throw-ins etc), or so I was told by players from both teams.

Was told I was the 'Worst Ref ever' by multiple members of both teams, including the team winning 8-1!

Feel like I've let myself down to be honest. I'm on a real downer now because I know I am far better than the performance I put in.
It happens.
It's all part of the improvement process. Analyse why it went wrong, the reasons why and the remedial action needed to correct them.
Chin up @Rye87Ref. It's a hard job we have to do that needs 100% concentration throughout. I've had the same for just a split second thinking about my daughter (who is registered disabled) when the ball went out of play. 'Which way ref?' Luckily linesman was there to help. It happens, you don't want it to but it does. So don't beat yourself up. Talk to yourself in your mind. 'Reds kicking towards trees', etc. I find it helps.
happens to every referee lose concentration its really difficult to get it back, get some paper and a pen write where you think you got things wrong. plenty of people on here happy to help you
I lost concentration for a while, I think because the quality of the game was very very poor. (Div 5, the lowest division of our Sunday League (the teams were 2nd bottom and 4th bottom)

or so I was told by players from both teams.

Was told I was the 'Worst Ref ever' by multiple members of both teams, including the team winning 8-1!

You've bought the hype. :hmmm: They're all superstars at that level; quality players who "know" how good they are, and you're just not up there. Do you know how much effort it takes to hoof the ball all day? The hard, fast and heavy breathing as they walk off gives it away. You can't possibly understand the physicality needed.

And throw-ins. That vital set-piece play, unreal, absolutely unreal. Everybody knows, and I mean everybody, just how crucial they are. Shocking. I bet you even blew your whistle before a corner was taken :eek::D:p

Feel better yet? :cool:
Been here - it is one of my known weaknesses when I am doing lower level games and don't have the need to exert myself physically. My concentration wanders all over the place, just cannot get into the game.

I find it helps to provide a running commentary to the game so my brain is focussed on what is going on. :)

As for being the worst ref ever; a lone fan decided to come and tell me that Saturday after my game. I bowed and thanked him for his opinion. The assessor at the game was a lot more complimentary! :D Always remember;opinions are like bum holes. We all have them, most of them smell bad.
I very much doubt you are the worst referee ever - or even if you were at that moment in time no doubt one of our colleagues around the country has since stolen your mantle :D

Don't fret about it. You know what went wrong, why, and how to fix it. If you didn't have the answer to any one of those questions you would be considerably worse off.

Think of those poor players in the aforementioned game....they haven't even realised they're sh¡t yet.

Think how much work they've got to do ;)
What's important isn't whether you have a bad match, but what you do with it. Reflect upon it and see what you can do to ensure the mistakes aren't repeated. Then the match won't have been a total loss :)
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Chin up. We all have games like this from time to time.

The very fact that you recognise that you've had a bad game is a positive, because you can look at your performance and work out what you can do better next time!

Besides, you can't be the worst ref ever, that's me (according to one team, anyway) :D
if it makes you feel better i also had that label yesterday... the worst ever, according to the fella i didnt award a penalty to
i spent all afternoon beating myself up about it but i think theres a balance between taking on board some criticism, and how much of it is sour grapes
i keep playing over the pen shout in my mind and i probably could have sold a spot kick, but i genuinely think i made the right call
the opposition seemed to think i was one of the better refs theyve had all season ( however i also take that into context as they ended up winning a fairly spicy affair 3-2 )
this game messes with your head @Rye87Ref, ive come away from my game doubting myself, replaying all the flashpoints and wondering if / what i could have done differently
Purely out of interest, is there anyone of us posting on here who can claim NEVER to have been called the 'worst ref ever' ??
I can! (I'm joking. I get this roughly every other game!) Funnily enough, it always seems to be the losing team who say it! I had a team yesterday who threw away a 3-0 half time lead to lose 5-3 and that was my fault!

Just because you've been called this doesn't actually mean you've had a bad game. I once did a game and had 21 players come up to shake my hand and say good game, while the other one walked up to pointedly refuse to shake my hand and call me 'the worst ref ever!' It threw me, because I didn't even remember him playing, he was that uninvolved in the game. Football is an emotional game, and players say stupid things at times. Forget it. You are better than your performance in this game and next time you'll show them so.

I find the lowest division games hardest to keep focus on for exactly the reasons stated. However, next time you'll be more focussed because of what happened in this game. As others have said. focus on the good bits to come out of the game and forget the bad.
Purely out of interest, is there anyone of us posting on here who can claim NEVER to have been called the 'worst ref ever' ?? I most certainly have. And also been described as the best ever. I'm guessing the truth is somewhere in between :rolleyes:

Nope. Never.
I always employ "creative refereeing" technique to ensure top club marks (cos that's important right? ;)) and that all the players and the coaches all love me and that they see me as the best ref ever invented. It's not unusual for me to spend time signing a few autographs after a Sunday League match these days Russell. By the time I've driven home mate, everybody is hugging each other and crying, there are fairies at the bottom of the garden and the world is full of flowers. :)
This Rye87Ref character (and the rest of you) are obviously just letting the side down..... :rolleyes: :D
Nope. Never.
I always employ "creative refereeing" technique to ensure top club marks (cos that's important right? ;)) and that all the players and the coaches all love me and that they see me as the best ref ever invented. It's not unusual for me to spend time signing a few autographs after a Sunday League match these days Russell. By the time I've driven home mate, everybody is hugging each other and crying, there are fairies at the bottom of the garden and the world is full of flowers. :)
This Rye87Ref character (and the rest of you) are obviously just letting the side down..... :rolleyes: :D
We have so much in common! I take in tea and biscuits before the game, then buy them all a pint after :D They say I'm the best ref ever! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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I can lay claim to that honour. :p

I have been:

- The worst ref seen in my life
- Proof that the referees in this league get worse
- Asked if I qualified at [name omitted] school for those with learning difficulties

But never the worst ref ever. ;)
I have been:

- The worst ref seen in my life
- Proof that the referees in this league get worse
- Asked if I qualified at [name omitted] school for those with learning difficulties

But never the worst ref ever. ;)

That's lack of creativity that is.
Try and be a bit more imaginative next time you step out onto the pitch Tealeaf. After all, as the referee, you're only there to keep everybody happy and to give penalties if needed. None of the players or coaches actually need you there, so try not to ruin the match for them with that daft whistle business.
Go on. They'll love you all the more for it. ;)