The Ref Stop

Contentious decision: What would you do?

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New Member
I recently reffed a mens game where the following happened:

The keeper came out to collect the ball, and did so successfully. The opposition striker tried to nick the ball and must've caught the keeper. The keeper, standing up with the ball firmly in both hands, ran over to the striker and headbutted him in the chest.

I gave a yellow, but let the keeper carry on and he took his goal kick. Should I have awarded a penalty? My contention was that the headbutt did not affect what was happening with the ball and was therefore not worthy of a penalty. I basically treated it as an 'off the ball incident'.

Was I correct?

Please move thread if I have commented in the wrong forum
The Ref Stop
I'm afraid that wasn't correct in Law. If the ball is in the goalkeepers hands as he headbutts an opponent, it is deemed to be in play and the correct decision would be to award a penalty (if he is inside the box, which he must have been to have the ball in his hands!) and send off the goalkeeper.

Never mind, chalk it up to experience and move onto the next game.
From the sounds of it, it should be a PK and a sending for VC. To be fair though, that is the first time I've ever heard this, but chalk it to experience and move along.
Wow. So the keeper ran over the the player and nutted him one and you didn't send him? Ok, the only decision here was where the head butt took place, so if he ran out of the penalty area it would be Direct FK from that spot, in the box and it's a pen.
Trying to be constructive, but I'm afraid either the folk who put on your basic referee course have let you down or you have ignored what they taught you.
Forget the penalty shout, headbutt to chest a yellow card??? Do you watch football?
What about a defensive free kick for the first foul where keeper was fouled? Sorry but any kind of head butt is a red card. Surely you know this - I can't imagine the match went well after this??
From how you describe it, it sounds as though it should have been a penalty.

As for the yellow card, there's no way he'd have remained on the pitch if I'd have been reffing. How did the players react to the yellow?
Gentlemen keep it constructive. A colleague has come on here looking for advice and quite possibly support. :)

A head butt is always a straight red for violent conduct regardless of what else happened If you are not looking to give a foul for something you admit you didn't see against the keeper, it's a penalty for the keepers subsequent actions.

How did you come to the conclusion of goal kick?

Actually....a John McEnroe one would more appropriate but couldn't find one!

But....this cannot be a serious post......a referee who doesn't know that a headbutt is a red card?
Ironically, this is my reaction every time you wheel out this GIF @Padfoot ?:eek::oops:

As i said, I would have preferred a John McEnroe one.....but couldn't find had to fall back on an old favourite!

And I thought a troll one might be a bit too provocative.......
No need to give the lad stick... He's come on for advice and the best some of you can do is ridicule him. I didn't know you were all perfect, or that you never made a mistake in you life. some of you are pathetic. No wonder i'm getting sick of this site. its supposed to be a forum where like minded referees come on, give advice, help eachother out and have a general chit chat. its not here so you perfect referees can rip fellow referees to pieces. some of you need to grow up and get a life i think...

glantraethfan - i notice that you have only joined the site today so on behalf of some referees who are divvies i will apologise for your welcome. maybe some of them never got any attention after the pub and kebab last night and they use ridiculing other refs as a way of making themselves feel better.

I for one joined the profession, and this site for that matter, to enjoy the ride and of course learn as i go along. some people on here where obviously born with a whistle in their mouth and a brain full of the laws of the game....

Yes you have made a mistake, don't worry, we all do it. maybe its the first time you've experienced anything like this, maybe you got muddled up in the heat of the moment... whatever your reasons it's happened and there's nothing you can do about that. what you can do though is learn from your mistake and make sure it never happens again.

The best advice I can give is once you see something like that happen give yourself a second or two before you act on your decision. Blow the whistle firm and make sure you are in a creditable position to see if there is any reaction from other players etc, then have a quick think. what have I just seen? what should be the punishment? what should be the restart? I, like the others have said, would issue a red for a headbutt no matter what. If the headbutt is as you have described and the ball was still in play then the restart after you have blown your whistle is a penalty (as long as the keeper was in the area).

Use this situation as a training aid for next time.

keep learning. welcome to the site, sorry about the perfect officials who welcomed you with a lack of manners
No need to give the lad stick... He's come on for advice and the best some of you can do is ridicule him. I didn't know you were all perfect, or that you never made a mistake in you life. some of you are pathetic. No wonder i'm getting sick of this site. its supposed to be a forum where like minded referees come on, give advice, help eachother out and have a general chit chat. its not here so you perfect referees can rip fellow referees to pieces. some of you need to grow up and get a life i think...

glantraethfan - i notice that you have only joined the site today so on behalf of some referees who are divvies i will apologise for your welcome. maybe some of them never got any attention after the pub and kebab last night and they use ridiculing other refs as a way of making themselves feel better.

I for one joined the profession, and this site for that matter, to enjoy the ride and of course learn as i go along. some people on here where obviously born with a whistle in their mouth and a brain full of the laws of the game....

Yes you have made a mistake, don't worry, we all do it. maybe its the first time you've experienced anything like this, maybe you got muddled up in the heat of the moment... whatever your reasons it's happened and there's nothing you can do about that. what you can do though is learn from your mistake and make sure it never happens again.

The best advice I can give is once you see something like that happen give yourself a second or two before you act on your decision. Blow the whistle firm and make sure you are in a creditable position to see if there is any reaction from other players etc, then have a quick think. what have I just seen? what should be the punishment? what should be the restart? I, like the others have said, would issue a red for a headbutt no matter what. If the headbutt is as you have described and the ball was still in play then the restart after you have blown your whistle is a penalty (as long as the keeper was in the area).

Use this situation as a training aid for next time.

keep learning. welcome to the site, sorry about the perfect officials who welcomed you with a lack of manners

This site is an excellent tool for bringing on referees that have qualified and have a base knowledge of the laws of the game.
The OP would indicate that the player's knowledge of the laws is at such a low level as to make him (at this moment) unfit to referee a football match.
"Making a mistake" is one thing. Not issuing a RC for clear VC AND not even being aware that you have made a mistake is dangerous!
The actions are so unbelievable that at least 2 of us think this might be a wind up.
If it isn't I plead with the OPer to seek help from his County FA. Either sit the course again or have a mentor come watch your next game.
:devil::devil::devil:Wow, there are some absolutely atrocious replies on here. Perhaps we should put a big banner message, only referees with X games experience welcome?

there's a saying that there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. Well, there are plenty of those.

I don't know how much experience this poster has, but have all of you forgotten moments of panic in unusual situations in your earlier years? Heck, I remember the first time I awarded a PK for DHB, when it occurred I completely forgot if DHB was a direct or indirect free kick offence!!

An unusual situation occurred, and unfortunately a lot of referees have some incorrect ideas about off-the-ball, or whether it's still a foul if in the keeper's hands. I'm on another user-submission based referees website, and we get plenty of questions covering some very basic sections of the law. Do you think we belittle referees for that? As for 'red card v no red card' - well, for one, this isn't specifically in the laws, and if it's not a particularly hard headbutt I could understand why the incorrect decision may have been made.

No, because how on earth is that helpful? We want referees of all levels of experience to ask ANY question. Instead, through the disgraceful comments on here you're telling this poster that instead of asking questions about the law, you'd prefer he goes out and make no mistakes. No excuses at all for the responses on here. None. I'm utterly appalled at the conduct of this forum in response here.

This is NOT what this forum is about. Stop before you post. If your only intent of posting is belittling and posturing, especially somebody who may be lacking experience and confidence, then please, do the game a favour and don't bother. Because if that's the way people on here are responding, trying to make people too afraid to ask questions, then you're harming the games these people are refereeing.

Really disappointing.
OP if the ball is in play the free kick / penalty will always be from the position of the offence even if the ball is 100 yards anyway. Having an impact on play is most often a consequence of a foul but it's not necessity.
I gave a yellow, but let the keeper carry on and he took his goal kick.

This isn't a goal kick. A goal kick is when the ball has crossed the goal line last touched by an attacker. There is no name for this in the laws, but it's often referred to as the goalkeepers punt (ie just to make sure it's not mixed up with the goal kick). The ball is in play here - so if you need to stop play, you can never restart play with the ball in his hands (for instance, if you stop play due to injury when the ball is in the keeper's hands, it doesn't resume in his hands. It's a drop ball). As my colleagues have stated, the goalkeeper committed a penal foul - striking - so it should have been a penalty kick. And I can't imagine a scenario where a headbutt isn't violent, so red card. The 'contention' you stated is irrelevant. Did a penal foul occur? Yes/no. The fact that play wasn't affected doesn't matter
As mush I'd enjoy the dream land where some of obviously live where milk and honey flow through the streets, I live in the real world where not knowing what VC is is incompetence and the culprit needs retraining or sacking.
This isn't a discussion about the intricacies of the stepped approach. What if the OP has asked "is the ball egg shaped"? Would that be an okay thing for a qualified ref to ask?
Refereeing is a serious business for which we are paid, not knowing what VC is is not acceptable.
Still not sure this is genuine.​
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