Rest or Improve?

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Level 7 Referee
What are you guys planning on doing till the start of the new season?

Do you plan to just rest and sun yourself
Have you set yourself aims which you want to reach so you are going to start training?

Just wondered how other referees work in the post/pre season
A&H International
Somewhere in between! I've decided that whilst my overall fitness is more than fine for the level I will be reffing at, my flexibility is definitely on the poor side. So, for me, a few weeks of core stability and serious stretching every day before getting back into a more rounded training regime
Definitely gonna rest my knee which is killing me after every game, so no cardio at least for a month
But lot of muscular exercises for the legs (in order, you got it, to support my weak knees)
Resting my right thigh which I injured and ran on for about the last 8 weeks of the season.

Another week or so without running and it should be fine.

Then the plan is to train my ass off!!!
I'm already in pre-season training, as I finished in mid April. Very few postponements this year so everything finished early.

Park Runs on Saturday mornings, and some midweek runs. Can't really do anything yoga-wise until this rotator-cuff injury heals properly.
Keep myself ticking over down the gym with cardio stuff, resting my right groin.
Start serious training in August, booked on a 2 week cruise in September, so plenty of opportunity for the gym there.
start on Monday - start off on the running machine for a couple of weeks mixed in with some weights/sit-ups etc. then out into the local park, boots on, and get some running in on the grass! got a pitch that is continuously marked out near by, so its perfect for shuttle runs etc to and from half-way lines
Always training. 15 to 20 miles a week pounding the streets, plenty of gym work (in my shed) and some HIIT for good measure.

Anyway, I need to look good on the beach in July.
I'm planning just doing core training till my exams have finished (just over 2 weeks) then going for the cardio - niggling little ankle sprain has slowed me down near the end of this season so will work on that:)
Loads of running, 10ks and half marathons where I can fit them in. I used to race most weekends before refereeing began to clash & took priority, so the end of the season is a nice time to get back into that for a bit.
First gym session yesterday, may do a bit on he grass tomorrow but won't get home from work until 2:30am so may be another later gym session. Aim is to lose 10kg over the next 13 weeks
Just found out my season starts on the 9th August. Best get training then
I switch into pre-season training the moment the season ends.

I enjoy running so it lets me concentrate on 'normal' running without needing to schedule things around the high-intensity of games. I'll be doing a series of 10k races, for example, so training around that. This includes a weekly speed training session for variety.

This is also to keep myself ready for the fitness test in June. I subscribe to the view that you should be able to pass the fitness test at ANY point in the season so this is more a case of maintaining and doing a few test runs to check everything is okay.

Also, mixing it up a bit with some road cycling.

Training in the good summer weather (when we get it?!) is great!

A good description of training a friend told me was this: Pre-season is all about getting yourself as fit as you can be. During the season is about maintaining and injury prevention!
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For me, I'm looking at plenty of sunbathing (if we get a summer), a decent strength program in the gym with some HIIT on the treadmill, hoping to get down the track a few times to run myself through the fitness test in time for it in August/September and also going to try and get through last years PGMOL Pre-Season plan. Fitness is really a weak point for me from last season so I'm looking to.....hit the ground running:hmmm::hmmm:
I've got a half marathon in August, so I'll be getting in much more training for that. Should leave me in good shape for the start of the season though.
I appear to have lost focus what with the lovely summer break... eating and drinking like its last orders! After this weekend.... Im going to start training hard... :)
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