Weight loss and fitness


RefChat Addict
So 0730 tomorrow I'm back in the gym

Anyone got any top tips for weight loss and fitness (apart from the obvious running )

Was going to do x-trainer, rowing and bike for 15 mins each
A&H International
Dont drink 16 pints , and a weekend takeaway combo ...indian , full English , Kebab (chicken of course) obviously !

Starting point anyway :D
I trained 3 times a week (various running exercises) dropped beer, bread and chococlate and managed to shift 2 stones (12.5kg?) in 4 months.

I trained 2 times a week, using the bike, x-trainer, treadmill and rower, kept the beer and bread but dropped the chocolate and last 1 stone (6kg?) in about 7 weeks.

Slow and steady wins the race. You need to stick at it to get results.
Slow and steady Brian .....one day the Kebabs and Beer ........................and Vodka will be beaten ....then the exercise will start :rolleyes: