Does anyone do yoga?

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RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
I've heard it can be really beneficial, but I've never tried it. Does anyone on here do it at all?
A&H International
I haven't but a friend of my swears by Pilates. Sort of similar.
I might check out some youtube vids and seeing what its like. I hear its very good for flexibility.
My logic is it cant do any harm. Although not sure I'd fancy going to an actual class and think I'd look a bit of a plank!
I do Pilates, mostly because I've had a bad back for years and it helps to stop everything locking up.

There is a great series called 10 minute Pilates it gives a series of workouts that are short, but you can stitch them together to make a longer one. Very highly recommended
I do Pilates, mostly because I've had a bad back for years and it helps to stop everything locking up.

There is a great series called 10 minute Pilates it gives a series of workouts that are short, but you can stitch them together to make a longer one. Very highly recommended

I've had a bad knee for 10+ years which can get a bit stiff and locked from time to time and wonder whether this might help out a bit. I'll look out for some Pilates vids to see what it's like.
Jehovah's Witness teaching doesn't approve of yoga - pretty much the devil's work, according to them
It does seem a bit more spiritual than I'm normally used to! But on a plus point I've found a fairly decent young lady on YouTube who has done some beginner videos so I'll give one a bash tomorrow.
I had a go at this video today

As a first timer it actually was fairly easy to follow. Flexibility is something I want to improve and certainly all the pops and clicks I could hear from my bones while I was doing it was a good indication that I was doing something. Getting the breathing right I found a bit tricky, but think thats more like trying to pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time, kind of thing.

I'm going to try and hunt more beginners videos down and also going to find some pilates to see how that compares. Overall for a small taster I can see by delving deeper there might be some benefits.
I'd have a go at this video, but probably not in the same way you did. Hellloooo Adriene!

About two thirds of the way through she explains about people pushing their bums out too much. In fairness if be happy watching her stick it out too much a bit more often!

Starting Monday (arrived recently)
We should do yoga on a daily basis as Yoga improves strength, flexibility, strength, it increases blood flow and warms up your muscles, it also helps in back pain relief, relaxes you and helps you to sleep peacefully, it also helps you in managing stress.
So it's really good for your mental and physical health.
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