Fast tracking

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Always smiling
Hi , I have been a referee for 10 yrs and at level 6 , I’m unable to go for level 5 just yet due to me not being able to complete all the games .
It is now twice this season where a referee tells me that he did not have to complete anything and was given his level 6 after having only doing a handful of games , this evening I was talking to a coach that’s only done 4 middles and due to who he knows at the local cfa he tells me they are fast tracking him to level 5 ?? Surely this shouldn’t be allowed ?
A&H International
Sounds a little bit like fabrication to me. If this is happening, I’d have some level of concern as to why, and how
I thought under the new system you can apply for your promotion to Level 5 and complete the games at your own pace even if you can't fit them into a single season?

As for the coach that really doesn't sound right to me, the promotion criteria are set at a national level and don't see how a CFA can bypass that legitimately.
Remember the promotion rules for 7-6 and 6-5 have changed in the past few seasons.

It is automatic when you referee 25 games, have 2 match day coaching reports, 5 games as AR and doing in-person tests.
Remember the promotion rules for 7-6 and 6-5 have changed in the past few seasons.

It is automatic when you referee 25 games, have 2 match day coaching reports, 5 games as AR and doing in-person tests.
In Herts it is 'semi-automatic' in that the right is reserved to require more coaching visits in the rare cases where the Match Day visits give significant pause for thought. However, as you say, overall the process has indeed been changed to facilitate more flexible and swift progression.
Going from level 8/9 to level 7 only takes a "handful of games" - charitably, it could be that's what the coach is describing and simply has his level numbers wrong?

The other thing that springs to mind is that there's often talk of fast-tracking ex-players - I'm not sure what systems actually exist for this, but if he is an ex-player at a high-ish level, then there might be a possibility of some assistance?
Yeah, I'm going through it right now and it is blanket rules for everyone.

7-6. 25 games (10 need to be open age)
6-5. 25 games (15 need to be open age)
Both include some admin online.

Also the games carry over seasons. So potentially the coach you spoke to has said they've refereed at least 46 middles whilst being a coach and the CFA has agreed he has. So he will need 4 match reports to go to 5. Potentially the 4 games you mentioned.

The person involved will need to email a match form with the 25 games they have refereed.

I wouldn't get too caught up in it. As it will just look petty and you probably won't have the full story.

Just focus on your own pathway. Keep a match log, and email your RDO regarding your own promotion. If you've been refereeing for 10 years I am positive your RDO will want to see you doing well.
Anyone refereeing enough games can move through very quickly now. I observed a new L7 last season and he is now 5 to 4 and has had 3 observations. But there is no "fast track", they have to referee the required number of games and get the required number of observations / match day coach visits, the difference now is the games carry over.

As an example, previously the requirement was to referee 20 games in the promotion season. If someone only managed 19 games they would fail that promotion and have to try again from scratch the following season. Now it is quarters rather than seasons, and if you don't meet the criteria your games carry over to the next quarter. So rather than having to wait a whole year you only have to wait a couple of months.

The guy that thinks he is getting promoted after 4 games is one of either deluded or has completely misunderstand the requirements.
Anyone refereeing enough games can move through very quickly now. I observed a new L7 last season and he is now 5 to 4 and has had 3 observations. But there is no "fast track", they have to referee the required number of games and get the required number of observations / match day coach visits, the difference now is the games carry over.

As an example, previously the requirement was to referee 20 games in the promotion season. If someone only managed 19 games they would fail that promotion and have to try again from scratch the following season. Now it is quarters rather than seasons, and if you don't meet the criteria your games carry over to the next quarter. So rather than having to wait a whole year you only have to wait a couple of months.

The guy that thinks he is getting promoted after 4 games is one of either deluded or has completely misunderstand the requirements.
One of my mates from university is on the "fast track" system and hes a level 7 or 6, but officiates in premier league tournaments and spends weekends away at St Georges Park. So there is a fast track system in place, but its pure luck on whether you get asked to do it or not
One of my mates from university is on the "fast track" system and hes a level 7 or 6, but officiates in premier league tournaments and spends weekends away at St Georges Park. So there is a fast track system in place, but its pure luck on whether you get asked to do it or not
Firstly, that's not a 'fast track system' - that will presumably be FA CORE. It doesn't get you promoted without doing the required games, it just assists you along the way. Secondly, it's certainly not 'pure luck' whether you get asked to do it or not. It's carefully selected based on those identified to have a good talent, aptitude and commitment.

Thought I had better get that response in quick before someone comes along with the dreaded 'dead thread' meme.
Firstly, that's not a 'fast track system' - that will presumably be FA CORE. It doesn't get you promoted without doing the required games, it just assists you along the way. Secondly, it's certainly not 'pure luck' whether you get asked to do it or not. It's carefully selected based on those identified to have a good talent, aptitude and commitment.

Thought I had better get that response in quick before someone comes along with the dreaded 'dead thread' meme.
The only reason he had gotten onto it is because he was an assistant for a coach on there or something apparently. Im just going off of what hes said to me and hes said "its fast track". i dont know obviously cause i had no idea such a system or FA Core was in place. I do think its unfair that some officials get all this extra help because of where they were at one stage in their officiating career and others may have been later developers and arent allowed the same opportunities to work with top tier officials and officiate in these top youth competitions
The only reason he had gotten onto it is because he was an assistant for a coach on there or something apparently. Im just going off of what hes said to me and hes said "its fast track". i dont know obviously cause i had no idea such a system or FA Core was in place. I do think its unfair that some officials get all this extra help because of where they were at one stage in their officiating career and others may have been later developers and arent allowed the same opportunities to work with top tier officials and officiate in these top youth competitions
At the end of the day, in all walks of life, you need to work hard and also have a little bit of luck. If you work hard enough, you can get there because eventually the luck will come your way. But I assure you, it won't fast track him through any promotions, he will still have to meet the criteria. It just means he will get a little bit more support and training.
The only reason he had gotten onto it is because he was an assistant for a coach on there or something apparently. Im just going off of what hes said to me and hes said "its fast track". i dont know obviously cause i had no idea such a system or FA Core was in place. I do think its unfair that some officials get all this extra help because of where they were at one stage in their officiating career and others may have been later developers and arent allowed the same opportunities to work with top tier officials and officiate in these top youth competitions
Referees are added to the FA CORE programmes when they impress with their performances and attitude - including late developers.
The only reason he had gotten onto it is because he was an assistant for a coach on there or something apparently. Im just going off of what hes said to me and hes said "its fast track". i dont know obviously cause i had no idea such a system or FA Core was in place. I do think its unfair that some officials get all this extra help because of where they were at one stage in their officiating career and others may have been later developers and arent allowed the same opportunities to work with top tier officials and officiate in these top youth competitions
There have been opportunities for promising referees to get extra help for as a long as I can remember. The names used for it have varied through things like centre of excellence, development group, FA Core, referee development group, but the premise has always been the same, identify referees with promise and give them extra coaching and opportunities.

Going back the best part of 15 years, but I was selected to go into a development group for promising level 4s. I had to apply, agree to the various terms and conditions such as passing regular fitness tests, law exams, weekly calls with coaches, attend all training sessions, etc, they basically wanted to make sure those they selected were truly committed. Somewhat comically I joined that group and then was promoted to L3 without actually blowing a whistle as by the time it started I was already top of both club and assessor merit tables, didn't stop them claiming credit for it though. Two current EFL referees were also part of that group.

It is also similar to why referees who normally officiate in the Championship, or even League 1, have been refereeing Premier League games this season. They are members of the elite referee development group so have been identified as exceptional prospects.
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