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    • F
      Fin replied to the thread Promotion Scheme U-Turn.
      We, at Notts FA, are having a meeting for all promotion pathway candidates that will detail and outline the new promotion criteria and...
    • F
      Fin posted the thread England Deaf Finals in Your fixtures.
      Was on the line and the middle for the EDF Plate and Challenge Cup finals this past Sunday. What an incredible experience and a massive...
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      Fin replied to the thread Promotions - Season Ending 2024.
      Just got my email confirming my promotion from 7-6. only took 2 years to get 2 MDC visits ahah. Onto 6-5 next season then it seems
    • F
      Fin replied to the thread Level 7.
      WMRL is a fantastic league. Their ref secretary is fantastic as well. Ive been on this league since I moved to Wolverhampton for...
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