No Corner Flags - What to do?


New Member
Level 9 Referee
Hi Guys,

Had my first game this last week. Upon arriving to the ground it became apparent that there were no corner flags. After asking the manager if they had any, they informed me that they didn't. It was an U16s game, and felt excessive to not let the game go ahead so I asked them to put cones down.

IFAB states that the gamer should go ahead.

Should I have done this? How could I have dealt with it differently? Cheers
A&H International
You did the correct thing.

Whilst law states that corner flags are a requirement, there is also a section that basically says games at grassroots level should still go ahead if there are none available.

If your league has a form you need to complete at the end of the game, mention that there were no corner flags.

Job done, well done.
I think at grassroots, you need to remember everyone is paying to play. It is full of volunteers and most things should be done in the spirit of the game (my basic thought is always safety).

Well done mate getting the game played. At our level, getting a game played that is safe and fair should be the priority.
Reading that IFAB bit reminded me of the games I had on a local school pitch. Beautifully lined but one penalty area was 18 yds but the other only 15 yds.! Cue coach saying "it's same for both sides" Yeah right. Said game would not go ahead unless he lined it properly, which he did albeit in blue