Junior/Youth New Ref Queries - Rolling Subs etc?


New Member
I'm posting on behalf of my 14 year old daughter who has her first match coming up. She is starting with younger age groups first - U9 and U10.
Got some newbie questions from her, maybe a bit silly perhaps as she is nervous about it- but I guess you don't know until you ask. So:
  • Haven't seen clear guidance so far - on how to manage rolling subs: e.g. does each and every sub need to be noted and recorded?
  • How to track stoppages and add time on at end of halves in practical way? Two stopwatches?

A&H International
Hi Tia,

Good luck to your daughter.

1. My advice for the rolling subs is don't over think it. The managers will shout out loud when they want to make a sub during a stop in play. Signal/shout to whoever has the ball to wait for the whistle. Let the managers get their players on and off the pitch. Then blow the whistle to let everyone know you are ready. Don't record anything.

2. I always wear two watches. If there is a major stoppage (head injury or generally a long stoppage/deliberate time wasting) I will stop my left watch. But this is rare, I usually guess at the end for what feels right. Typically 30 second ish for a goal. Again don't over think it.

Also a little common sense with extra time, if a team is winning 10 - 0 you don't need to be adding +6mins :)
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I'm posting on behalf of my 14 year old daughter who has her first match coming up. She is starting with younger age groups first - U9 and U10.
Got some newbie questions from her, maybe a bit silly perhaps as she is nervous about it- but I guess you don't know until you ask. So:
  • Haven't seen clear guidance so far - on how to manage rolling subs: e.g. does each and every sub need to be noted and recorded?
  • How to track stoppages and add time on at end of halves in practical way? Two stopwatches?

No you don't need to record all the substitutions.
Yes wearing two watches is advisable (not least because if a watch stops working then you have a backup). I stop-start one of my watches for when time needs to be added, and just keep the other one running.
If you are lucky you get days like I had today when a player came up to me after the match and called me...


Yes it's a nice feeling. Like comment feom player at yesterday's U18 game "nice to get a fair ref mate"
Hi Tia,

Good luck to your daughter.

1. My advice for the rolling subs is don't over think it. The managers will shout out loud when they want to make a sub during a stop in play. Signal/shout to whoever has the ball to wait for the whistle. Let the managers get their players on and off the pitch. Then blow the whistle to let everyone know you are ready. Don't record anything.

2. I always wear two watches. If there is a major stoppage (head injury or generally a long stoppage/deliberate time wasting) I will stop my left watch. But this is rare, I usually guess at the end for what feels right. Typically 30 second ish for a goal. Again don't over think it.

Also a little common sense with extra time, if a team is winning 10 - 0 you don't need to be adding +6mins :)
I wear two watches, one is a proper referee watch that counts down and buzzes when finished, the other counts up. I've been asked both 'how long is left' and 'how long have we played' so it's nice to have both options easy to hand. At youth level I tend not to stop the watches and just use my judgement at the end but as others have said the scoreline can sometimes dictate the need for added time.
I don't record subs at youth level but do keep track of the score in my notebook as each goal goes in - don't forget to do this !
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