That's annoying


Well-Known Member
Just done the pre-season online LOTG test. Some tricky ones, but would have got them all right if I hadn't misread the last question. A good lesson to take forward to the season on concentrating right to the end !

Anyone else done it ?
A&H International
Just done the pre-season online LOTG test. Some tricky ones, but would have got them all right if I hadn't misread the last question. A good lesson to take forward to the season on concentrating right to the end !

Anyone else done it ?
Yes. Did it a while back. Same got 1 wrong as I hadn't read the question correctly.
If it is the same one as the supply league observer test I also read it incorrectly
It is the same test I believe.

The I got wrong was player leaving WITH PERMISSION, I read it as leaving without 🤬🤬
I was also confused by the first test question being numbered 4.

I think they must have set up the test so that in the tool they used Q1 was FAN, Q2 your name and Q3 your role.

Got those right !
Just done the pre-season online LOTG test. Some tricky ones, but would have got them all right if I hadn't misread the last question. A good lesson to take forward to the season on concentrating right to the end !

Anyone else done it ?
Was there a time limit on it? I recall doing it whilst I was multi-tasking on something else..... took me half hour therefore, maybe a lot more
Maybe i think i got 14/15 but the FA have me down for a fraction of that :D
Got Q1) wrong but the the rest right. Can't recall any of the questions however
Assuming this isn't a mandatory thing for refs then. New level 4 and hoping I've not missed something I'm meant to do
No two ways about it.... we should all (L4+) be subject to an annual LOTG test, which ought to factor into retention/promotion
The absence of which is absurd
No two ways about it.... we should all (L4+) be subject to an annual LOTG test, which ought to factor into retention/promotion
The absence of which is absurd
Agreed, quite why it's taken so long is a mystery