Junior/Youth 'You need to go to Specsavers'

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RefChat Addict
I had one of 'those' games on Saturday.

U14's game, top v bottom and I just could not do anything right, at least not in the eyes of the away manager. It was a relatively normal game with just the usual 'in the back' shouts every time the ball went up in the air, until the away team (top of the league) went 1-0 down. I did make a couple of mistakes in the game with a couple of wrong offside calls, but I'm happy with every other decision I made.

Anyway, onto the important bits. The manager was getting more and more frustrated, screaming 'REF' every time his team lost the ball. I can deal with that, it happens. What I can't accept is what he did in the last minute and at the end of the game. With the score at 3-3, I awarded a penalty to the home team; it was a clear foul and well inside the box, but obviously the manager, who was stood fifty yards away, knew that it was outside the box. The penalty was scored, with the home team winning 4-3. As I walked back to the middle, the manager shouted 'are you for real? How much are they paying you?'. With just a minute to go, I let it go, wanting to get to the end, and decided that I'd deal with it then. Fast forward to the end of the game and the manager came onto the pitch and once again asked if I was being paid, before making a glasses gesture and saying that I needed to go to specsavers if I thought it was a penalty. Oddly, his biggest argument was on a goal kick that I'd given, he was insistent that the ball hadn't gone out,

I just walked away, shook hands with the home team coaches and then after a couple of minutes, walked over to get the name of the coach and informed him that I was going to be sending in a misconduct report. He claimed that he could ask about decisions because he was the manager. He's right, and I will always explain decisions, but not if a manager behaves like that.

Just as an aside, I wanted to get some opinions on this. I booked an away player for dissent following the penalty after he said 'Are you blind ref? You need to open your eyes, you're giving everything to them. You're a joker'. The players' Dad claimed that this goes on every week, and that it wasn't dissent. He was calm about it, which is why I explained what he'd said but for me, that's clear dissent, isn't it?

Anyway, reports are in, and it's onto the next one! :)
A&H International
Well leasts you held your hands to the mistakes now considering that player you cautioned did he do anything in the that warranted a caution earlier in the game and I could maybe even pushed for a red on the barrel of comments he was pushing and as for manager don't forget you can warn him about his conduct and try to manage him then if he steps out of line one more time you can send him from vercinty of fop and get his name as well
re your request for opinions, i think you've been on here long enough now, Matthew, to know that some will say you were too heavy handed and should never have booked such a young player, others will say that you wimped out and should have sent him off for insulting remarks, unless, of course, you are a myopic, biased joker ;) whilst the rest will settle for something in between
Spot on with both incidents. Well done.

Would never dismiss for the player comments unless abusive language was involved, its pretty much text book dissent not OFFINABUS.
No not for offinabus but he barrled enough dissent to issue a red don't forget you can issue two yellow cards in one go if needs be
No not for offinabus but he barrled enough dissent to issue a red don't forget you can issue two yellow cards in one go if needs be[/QUOTE

No you can't. You can only punish an incident once. You can't go 'have a yellow card, oh no hold on have another one!' You either send him off or you yellow card him, you can't do both.

IMO, Matthew you got it spot on - well done.
No not for offinabus but he barrled enough dissent to issue a red don't forget you can issue two yellow cards in one go if needs be

No you can't. You can only punish an offence once. You can't go: 'that's dissent have a yellow card, actually, have another one too!' You either caution him or you send him off, but you can't do both.

IMO, you got it spot on Matthew - well done!
I've just spoke with great mate of mine who cards for dissent and he said exsactly what I said
I've just spoke with great mate of mine who cards for dissent and he said exsactly what I said

I'm not saying that you can't card for dissent, of course you can. All I'm saying is that the law (and also common sense) dictates that you can't give someone two yellow cards for the same incident!
No you can't. You can only punish an offence once. You can't go: 'that's dissent have a yellow card, actually, have another one too!' You either caution him or you send him off, but you can't do both.

IMO, you got it spot on Matthew - well done!

If someone says to me "Are you blind ref? You're giving them everything, you're a bloody joker" and I was in a mischevious frame of mind, who says I couldn't give a yellow for dissent "Are you blind ref" and a second one for the "you're a joker" comment. Technically, two separate offences ;)
Sometimes common sence law 18 can be used but due to this incident and heat of game at time I'd gone red
In theory, it's a seperate incident - if you caution and a player keeps mouthing off, hello caution number 2!

The trick is to be clear - player shout/dissent, call him over to administer caution, if it looks like the caution is not going to stop the dissent then show the card before asking for name, warn him that if he carries on the dissent he will earn a second yellow, if he ignores you and carries on his dissent then you can give caution number two. Seperate incidents and clearly identified as such by everyone.

Not to say that this situation required such action but it can be done. For games getting out of control it is useful.
In theory, it's a seperate incident - if you caution and a player keeps mouthing off, hello caution number 2!

The trick is to be clear - player shout/dissent, call him over to administer caution, if it looks like the caution is not going to stop the dissent then show the card before asking for name, warn him that if he carries on the dissent he will earn a second yellow, if he ignores you and carries on his dissent then you can give caution number two. Seperate incidents and clearly identified as such by everyone.

Not to say that this situation required such action but it can be done. For games getting out of control it is useful.

Yeah, I understand your point, but I'm saying that in the above circumstances this would not be necessary.
re your request for opinions, i think you've been on here long enough now, Matthew, to know that some will say you were too heavy handed and should never have booked such a young player, others will say that you wimped out and should have sent him off for insulting remarks, unless, of course, you are a myopic, biased joker ;) whilst the rest will settle for something in between

Shhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone….. :D

Sometimes common sence law 18 can be used but due to this incident and heat of game at time I'd gone red

It's not a case of common sense or otherwise @ref craig. It was one incident, all said at the same time and he said nothing once I told him that he was being cautioned. I wasn't offended or insulted and there wasn't particularly any heat in the game, other than from the manager. I didn't even consider red, nor would I if the same situation occurred in my next match.

I'm a big believer in not going and looking for trouble, and IMO you are asking for trouble if you red card a player for something that doesn't really warrant one. It was also for this reason that I didn't speak to the manager after his comments following the penalty, there was thirty seconds left and the sensible thing was to finish the game, and then deal with the manager.
But unforts you would be keeping a player on who could do the exact same thing a week later so please think about it
But unforts you would be keeping a player on who could do the exact same thing a week later so please think about it

Exactly the same thing as what? What he said was dissent, something which is an offence punishable with a yellow card. If he's stupid enough to say the same thing to next week's ref, he'll be punished appropriately again.
Matt never am I but if a player is there annoying me to point where it annoying then I'm reding him it simple as that

I once cautioned a player for kicking the ball away then saying I did not know laws of game and I've been told I could kept him on field of play but I've always said I did the right thing that day
Matt never am I but if a player is there annoying me to point where it annoying then I'm reding him it simple as that

I once cautioned a player for kicking the ball away then saying I did not know laws of game and I've been told I could kept him on field of play but I've always said I did the right thing that day

It's called "offensive, insulting or abusive language", not annoying! You can't just randomly send people off because they annoy you!
But it those things in law that annoy me I have improved my management in these areas but if players are to blow the tolerance levels then they get a card simple as that
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