Pains in lower leg on treadmill

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Level 5 Referee
Hey everyone!
Been working on my fitness but for the past month or so, I've been getting shooting pains going up my shins when running on a treadmill and occassionally when on the streets running.
Anyone got any ideas if it would be worth investing in some actual running trainers instead of your usual casual looking ones?
A&H International
Hey everyone!
Been working on my fitness but for the past month or so, I've been getting shooting pains going up my shins when running on a treadmill and occassionally when on the streets running.
Anyone got any ideas if it would be worth investing in some actual running trainers instead of your usual casual looking ones?
Yes. Yes. 1000 times yes.
But you also need to get a diagnosis.
And then I would suggest getting a gait analysis to check you buy the right running shoes.
That sounds very much like shin splints, something I suffered from when I was younger. It can be caused by poor running technique, so gait analysis and proper running shoes based on that are absolutely vital. You also need to immediate stop running, it won't get any better if you don't.

Information from the NHS on it here. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/shin-splints/
Cheers everyone! Spoken to my brother who used to specialise in gait analysis and is booking me in at the clinic he works at for Friday! Fingers crossed all is well!
Weird though as I never get it when playing/ reffing only on a treadmill!
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