
If you contract Covid will you be refereeing

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • No

    Votes: 44 88.0%
  • Ask teams/ other officials if they are comfortable with you refereeing with Covid

    Votes: 2 4.0%

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most my games have a covid declaration.....each to own but given its to protect others, I rather fill it in honestly.

That's a good point. I had symptoms 8 days ago. I've had 6 positive LFTs including this morning (thankfully the positive line is much fainter today so it looks like I'll be negative tomorrow or Monday at the latest). I came off today's line as soon as I tested positive last week because that's just sensible. I have a game on Wednesday, and I'll be covid free. But if there's a disclaimer asking to sign to say I haven't had covid in the last 14 days then obviously I cannot do the game. Hadn't thought of that tbf. Most clubs aren't doing this anymore but there's still a few that do.

I had an academy offer me a game tomorrow at the older age group and they were happy for me to ref if I felt comfortable but obviously I said I'm not because I just don't want to pass it on to anyone. They do have disclaimers to sign, something they'd not even thought of!

I've also organised a fundraiser for a colleague with terminal cancer which is tonight. I'm desperate to attend for obvious reasons but again, I don't feel comfortable. Alot of the lads at work have told me to come but I'm not comfortable and I'm aware others won't be comfortable with me being there so I will stay at home.

Yes it's annoying that its ruined my week and all my plans but you've got to think of other people. There's always another game.
A&H International
so if you have covid, but you feel ok, you are happy to risk everybodys else health

if you feel fine. Sums it up.

nevermind anyone else you pass it onto, their families etc, If you feel ok thats that.

you have a responsibility ( or should have) for other peoples well being. Lets hope if you have it, and infect someone else, that they, or whoever they pass it onto ( thanks to you), do not suffer too much.

There is a reason this vote is 34/4. Basic decency.
I think a lot of people are simply asymptomatic with covid and this is the real problem. The problem with the disease is that it is affecting some people enough to kill them and some people not at all. As long as you are sensible enough to have all your jabs and follow government guidelines( whether you agree od not) then that is the best most of us can do. Some of us when refereeing are also never in an enclosed space with our players and officials and always outdoors. If you do have it,its sensible to isolate but goverment guidelines allow family and partners to still go about their normal business. Its like chasing your tail.
My first game back tonight following a few days of negative tests now thankfully. I've seen a big rise over the last week 2 weeks of infections with family and friends from different parts of the UK.
I think a lot of people are simply asymptomatic with covid and this is the real problem. The problem with the disease is that it is affecting some people enough to kill them and some people not at all. As long as you are sensible enough to have all your jabs and follow government guidelines( whether you agree od not) then that is the best most of us can do. Some of us when refereeing are also never in an enclosed space with our players and officials and always outdoors. If you do have it,its sensible to isolate but goverment guidelines allow family and partners to still go about their normal business. Its like chasing your tail.

Again, " you " have your jabs.

Thats all well and good for ourselves, the risk is passing it onto other people.

Unless am struggling to understand the gov advice, it reads as self isolation is no longer legally required but if you test positive its advised you stay indoors and avoid contact with other people.
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Again, " you " have your jabs.

Thats all well and good for ourselves, the risk is passing it onto other people.

Unless am struggling to understand the gov advice, it reads as self isolation is no longer legally required but if you test positive its advised you stay indoors and avoid contact with other people.
Avoiding contact is pretty difficult in a family environment though and unless you live in a mansion or hotel is akin to mixing in changing rooms or ref's rooms. There has to come a time soon when Covid will be treated like the flu with regular jabs,every year is most likely. The key to the stopping the spread is debunking these stupid anti vaccine attention seekers claims and getting every possible person jabbed. Especially important with the young people who refs will be mixing with.
I’m a firm No.

I’ve not had COVID at any point that I know of but am well aware of the risks it can pose to families.

The other aspect is my ability to perform my JOB to the best of my abilities.
Earlier in the season I came down with a cold (not CV). No other officials available to cover the game at such short notice and I didn’t feel too bad so made the decision to crack on but not stay for a beer etc.
2nd half comes along and I’m hanging out of my rear end and make an awful decision to not award a simple free kick. This then led to a player reacting in a way that left me no option than to dismiss him for OFFINABUS.

Ultimately, players are responsible for their own actions and responses and I made this perfectly clear. However, my decision to referee a game whilst unfit through illness led to that player being sent off. I certainly won’t be reffing any games while ill again!
all i'm doing is following the government rules, like i & many others have done for the last 2 years, struggle to see a problem with NOT isolating myself away if i feel fine from a disease that has over 85% of the population triple-jabbed and that isn't as deadly (especially omicron!) --as other respiratory viruses

think it's time for a few people to grow up a bit tbh
Ah yes, the government have removed the legal requirement to self-isolate if I test positive, therefore I'm free to do whatever the hell I like.

You will not be legally required to self-isolate if you test positive for COVID-19. Stay at home if you can and avoid contact with other people.
Conveniently ignoring the second part aren't you?
Avoiding contact is pretty difficult in a family environment though and unless you live in a mansion or hotel is akin to mixing in changing rooms or ref's rooms. There has to come a time soon when Covid will be treated like the flu with regular jabs,every year is most likely. The key to the stopping the spread is debunking these stupid anti vaccine attention seekers claims and getting every possible person jabbed. Especially important with the young people who refs will be mixing with.

You might need to be in the family house with covid
You do not need to officiate a footbal match with covid.

the key to stopping the spread is the infected staying away from the uninfected

if you dont have it, you cant pass it on. If you do have it, you can pass it on,
Its really as primary 2 as that.
all i'm doing is following the government rules, like i & many others have done for the last 2 years, struggle to see a problem with NOT isolating myself away if i feel fine from a disease that has over 85% of the population triple-jabbed and that isn't as deadly (especially omicron!) --as other respiratory viruses

think it's time for a few people to grow up a bit tbh
Are you a UK based referee?

Regardless of the Government changes in law, you’ll still have to abide by the FA’s covid policy.

“There are still steps you can take to reduce the risk of catching and spreading COVID-19:

1. Get vaccinated

2. Let fresh air in if meeting indoors, or meet outside

3. Consider wearing a face covering in crowded, enclosed spaces

4. Get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms, and stay at home if positive

The FA urges all participants to continue to follow this Government advice to protect themselves and others.”
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You might need to be in the family house with covid
You do not need to officiate a footbal match with covid.

the key to stopping the spread is the infected staying away from the uninfected

if you dont have it, you cant pass it on. If you do have it, you can pass it on,
Its really as primary 2 as that.
My point was that many people simply dont know they have it and vaccination is the key.
My work team were supposed to have a get together in London on Monday as we are based all over the South of England. My boss announced last minute that she wasn't coming as she had a minor cough, and today has tested positive. Had she ignored the cough and travelled anyway she would have almost certainly infected most of the team, as well as any other number of people on the train travelling in.

The legal requirement to stay at home might have ended, but the need for common decency and common sense hasn't. Sadly a large percentage of people in this country think about themselves and no one else (probably the same people that were ignoring the rules during lockdown, usually aged under 30).
My work team were supposed to have a get together in London on Monday as we are based all over the South of England. My boss announced last minute that she wasn't coming as she had a minor cough, and today has tested positive. Had she ignored the cough and travelled anyway she would have almost certainly infected most of the team, as well as any other number of people on the train travelling in.

The legal requirement to stay at home might have ended, but the need for common decency and common sense hasn't. Sadly a large percentage of people in this country think about themselves and no one else (probably the same people that were ignoring the rules during lockdown, usually aged under 30).
Probably a bit harsh on all under 30s but a lesson in the harmful effects social media can have on a population given some young people's vocal resistance based on uneducated claptrap being given credibility on the internet and in media circles.
Probably a bit harsh on all under 30s but a lesson in the harmful effects social media can have on a population given some young people's vocal resistance based on uneducated claptrap being given credibility on the internet and in media circles.
I didn't say all under 30s, far from it, but my experience was that the vast majority of people not wearing masks on tubes and trains, as an example, fell into that bracket.

Wouldn't necessarily say it was down to them believing social media nonsense, rather they only give a toss about themselves. As we potentially head towards potential WWIII the thought that in the two previous wars these people would have been facing mandatory conscription is almost laughable, they wouldn't last 5 minutes.
If I don't feel well I won't be refereeing anyways. As most of the people are vaccinated I don't see COVID as a health risk for most people
There's 3 aspects to this:

1) Legal - there is nothing other than guidance now (in England) on what you do if you test positive. It's up to you whether you adhere to the guidance or not - either way there are no penalties.

2) Moral - Clearly there is a moral dilemma as to what to do, however it's not binary (good v bad), as considerations as to whether you're going to be inside or not etc come into play.

3) Physical - Are you able to referee with Covid? Can you do the job you're being paid for? Speaking perdonallyy, how I felt when I had Covid both times was that I couldn't operate at supply league level at all - had I been doing an U8's game, I could probably have dragged myself through it!
1) Legal - there is nothing other than guidance now (in England) on what you do if you test positive. It's up to you whether you adhere to the guidance or not - either way there are no penalties.
There no legal requirement to avoid the game. However, the current FA policy is clear and I’d imagine a referee ignoring this will face sanctions from their CFA if reported.
I didn't say all under 30s, far from it, but my experience was that the vast majority of people not wearing masks on tubes and trains, as an example, fell into that bracket.

Wouldn't necessarily say it was down to them believing social media nonsense, rather they only give a toss about themselves. As we potentially head towards potential WWIII the thought that in the two previous wars these people would have been facing mandatory conscription is almost laughable, they wouldn't last 5 minutes.
Nobody will last 5 seconds in a nuclear conflict anyhow.
Your post really does look at young people in a bad light and does seem to generalise a lot. You mention the Tube so I am guessing you are London/Southern based? Up here in the North there are both good and bad,pretty much the same as every other age group to be honest. As for killing other people in the name of rich people's interest being a sign of toughness then I have to disagree completely.
Positive LFT this evening so I’ve come off tomorrow’s game. Phoned the ref sec and he was totally happy with the decision. Gutted because I’ve only got a tickly cough. Let’s see what the PCR comes back with.
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