
A&H International
Anyway, to actually answer your question, I'm not a huge fan. There's something about the way they present their opinions as though they're taking a stance on behalf of all grassroots refs, which rubs me up the wrong way. They haven't asked my opinion, they're not a grassroots referee union, they don't speak for me.

More specifically, I think their obsession with grassroots bodycams is misguided at best. We've had a specific thread on that question recently and I think the majority on here were against it, but it's one of their flagship policies - and as I said in my first paragraph, it always gets presented as "grassroots referees want this". And the main other reason they find themselves in the wider media is when they start parading round assaulted refs, which always feels exploitative and unpleasant. Ditto their twitter feed - if you scroll down, it's just a constant feed of them reposting videos and articles of referee assault, because it helps them reinforce their manifesto.
I don't really know.
They can be divisive. I often don't know if some of what they do is for self promotion of their leisure leagues franchise.
I don't really know if they always have the referee's best interests at heart, looking at how they puppeteered the young referee a few years back and probably irreparably damaged his refereeing career.
I side with Graeme on this that they claim to be THE voice of referees however they have never offered my opinion and I have no say in their policies etc as a voter.

I think the support they offer to assaulted referees is good. I know some counties don't have a RDO now so they are plugging a gap. I know in out county a referee would be supported very well and its sad to think that isn't happening everywhwre
I’ve told the story on here before, but the guy who runs it turned up at my game years ago and caused more problems than the players. They were disgusted by how the players treated me and made their voice known despite me not even deeming it worthy of a sin bin. Long story short, they filmed themselves complaining to the coaches after who I have a good relationship with, put it on their social media and landed me infront of the FA.

excluding my own personal experience, it’s good to see the awareness piece about assaults etc they out but as stated above and as exampled in my own game, they acted like my voice when I didn’t need them
I’ve told the story on here before, but the guy who runs it turned up at my game years ago and caused more problems than the players. They were disgusted by how the players treated me and made their voice known despite me not even deeming it worthy of a sin bin. Long story short, they filmed themselves complaining to the coaches after who I have a good relationship with, put it on their social media and landed me infront of the FA.

excluding my own personal experience, it’s good to see the awareness piece about assaults etc they out but as stated above and as exampled in my own game, they acted like my voice when I didn’t need them
I do think they go looking for trouble.
Hearts probably in the right place. Heads (and wallets) maybe not so much.
Agree with pretty much everything that has been mentioned. I really dislike their outlook as the self appointed spokesperson for all referees. They have never asked my opinion on anything. I also think their pushing of bodycams to be over the top, I for one would never wear them.

Also their ‘trolling’ of clubs twitters and arguing/fighting over negative comments about referees is tiresome. The majority of clubs will always complain about refs, and maybe we need to accept that’s just what happens sometimes, and on some occasions the clubs might actually be correct.

They also don’t know when to stop, last weekend their was a serious incident up here involving a referee, the video of which they shared on 4 or 5 separate tweets and twitter posts. This has actually brought more trouble to the situation, hasn’t aided the referee in anyway and has also brought up a couple of issues for the authorities that wouldn’t be there if they hadn’t got involved.