The Ref Stop

Irritating captain


RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
In had one of those games yesterday.
Most annoying was the constant questioning of decisions by the captain. Never offensive or showing obvious dissent, but a 'tactic' and bloody annoying.
I sent him off in the end for a second yellow for dissent when he crossed the line, but should probably dealt with it earlier and better.
Any advice would-be welcome.
The Ref Stop
prob just as you say, earlier
Even put the onus back on him, and make him feel more responsible for his actions? " captain your meant to be the one i can look to for helping your team thro the game, how can i do that if you are the one causing me grief?"
Or quiet word on passing to a team mate? "Tell your captain to wrap it", the captain hearing the plee from one of his charges might make him screw the nut
Failing that if its going to be one of those afternoons, go for him, get rid, and send out message to the team that you are clearly taking no crap today
Sin bins have almost eliminated this problem in my league. I've had one caution for dissent so far this season (and that was a captain).

On Saturday I had a quick word with a player complaining about a decision and I heard one of his teammates remind him about the sin bin. Job done.
Captains are never chosen based on how helpful they can be to the referee. More often that not every team has a senior player with a cool head on his/her shoulder and everyone in the team respects. Often it's not the captain. If you have been a referee in the league for a while you would know who that person is. Otherwise figure it out in the first 15 - 20 minutes. There is nothing in law saying the captain has to be your first port of call when dealing with control issues. If the captain is a reasonable person don't undermine his/her captaincy by going to another player. But if the captain is the one giving you grief, as CM says, give him/her a chance at first opportunity but then use the senior person for every occasion (even for other players) if the captain doesn't co-operate.
Captains are never chosen based on how helpful they can be to the referee. More often that not every team has a senior player with a cool head on his/her shoulder and everyone in the team respects. Often it's not the captain. If you have been a referee in the league for a while you would know who that person is. Otherwise figure it out in the first 15 - 20 minutes. There is nothing in law saying the captain has to be your first port of call when dealing with control issues. If the captain is a reasonable person don't undermine his/her captaincy by going to another player. But if the captain is the one giving you grief, as CM says, give him/her a chance at first opportunity but then use the senior person for every occasion (even for other players) if the captain doesn't co-operate.
At the bottom of the ladder, the captains are normally the centre back with the biggest mouth.
I loved a gobby captain who wanted to be too involved in everything.....I loved telling him to go away too. 👍 They think they have a special right to interfere or be extra chirpy without sanctions ... loved putting them back in their box!
I fell Gks as captains are more of a pain. Offering opinions on decisions when often they are in the worst position of the 22 in terms of views of said incidents!
One of our County FA volunteers used to deal with gobby captains, who questioned everything with the "but I'm captain" line, by saying "captain, your only privilege today is that you get to shake my hand before kick off"!
@Cheshire Ref and @JamesL will probably know who I'm talking about.
Plenty stories of first team captains coming in to see the ref before the game, shaking hands with ref and saying "any bother with my team, let me know and I will sort it"

and they get the standard response..."thanks for that Mr XXXXXX, but to whom do I report when am having bother with you".....
At start of this season I started using the lines, at coin toss...

Guys, you know your trouble makers, your wordy ones. Keep them quiet yourself otherwise I'd get involved and I've got no plans tonight so don't mind writing reports. Same goes for you two, your not excluded from moaning at me. A quiet word once in a while is fine. You are here to play football, and that's it. I'm the one here to ref.
Now, away team, heads or tails.

Only had issues once or twice this season.
But if the captain is the one giving you grief, as CM says, give him/her a chance at first opportunity but then use the senior person for every occasion (even for other players) if the captain doesn't co-operate.
For me, if the captain wants to cooperate, great, I'll call him over when a player needs calming. If not, okay, you won't help me so I won't help you, skip the captain and get straight to the caution.
For me, if the captain wants to cooperate, great, I'll call him over when a player needs calming. If not, okay, you won't help me so I won't help you, skip the captain and get straight to the caution.
The ultimate aim is to serve justice as well as curb poor behaviour (control).

That could work well or it could backfire form a control view point. If it works for you no issues there.

But there is an element of factoring in the behaviour of the captain when serving justice to the player which sounds unfair to the player. If the player deserves a card (unconditionally) serve the card regardless of the captain. If the player deserves a second chance and the captain is no good then attempting to find a second chance alternative path doesn't sound like a bad idea.
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The ultimate aim is to serve justice as well as curb poor behaviour (control).

That could work well or it could backfire form a control view point. If it works for you no issues there.

But there is an element of factoring in the behaviour of the captain when serving justice to the player which sounds unfair to the player. If the player deserves a card (unconditionally) serve the card regardless of the captain. If the player deserves a second chance and the captain is no good then attempting to find a second chance alternative path doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Agree. If the captain is a numpty then just deliver the dressing down stage of the stepped approach without his presence, unless of course the offence warrants a caution anyway.
I tend to explain to captains at the beginning if I am calling them in I am looking to avoid a caution and thats there opportunity to look after their player, this is working so far.
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Agree. If the captain is a numpty then just deliver the dressing down stage of the stepped approach without his presence, unless of course the offence warrants a caution anyway.
I tend to explain to captains at the beginning if I am calling them in I am looking to avoid a caution and thats there opportunity to look after their player, this is working so far.
I think it's entirely possible to say that to the captain without actually having any intention of letting his behaviour significantly affect your card count....