Referee push, yellow card

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My whistle will be used today and am not red carding for that
The referee in the clip is most likely officiating over the weekend too.
I do not class that minor act of aggression to be a threat to me, my safety or my match control.
If the same player punches me in the face next week, thats violent conduct and will be dealt with on its own merits.
Being a referee means at some point, we will be involved in confrontation, intimidation, taking all different shapes and forms. If your instant and only response is to fire up a red card and thats it dealt with, then I suggest you have too little tolerance to offiate or are lacking in basic managment skills or are too self important to be out there mixing with 22 plus different chatacters
Maybe its upbringing, maybe its the environment we are refereeing in but not in any day of the week can I class that push as violent conduct
Could I grow legs on my report on council park 19 in Sunday league, yes, I could write a report on that to the league which would make it sound like a horrifying encounter
Could i be that ref in that clip and have it played back to a room of delegates and claim to be the victim of an act of violence? I would not huminilate myself to do so.

You are a hero, keep MANAGING these incidents. I wish I was at your level.
I wouldn't for one second expect you to embellish your report.
Any FA that would overturn a RC for this I wouldn't want to ref for anyway.
A&H International
This post EXACTLY sums up why you're not a high level referee.

Haha, yes. Not the years I spent in the military whilst you were climbing the pole.
If you're happy to sell your integrity to push your career go nuts, you won't be the first or last
This is absurd. Referees arguing that it's perfectly fine to push a referee?
Every time I think posts on here can't get any more ridiculous, somebody surprises me.

You don't need a significant amount of force to be considered violent conduct. Just look at what the LOTG has to say around off-the-ball contact to the head.

I pity whichever referee gets assaulted this weekend - I hope he doesn't know that his so-called colleagues are supporting the ;right' of the player to be assaulting him!!!
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