World Cup Brazil-Costa Rica


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Commentators noting “if that was in the Premier League, it’s a nailed on yellow card”. People starting to notice the odd new approach. Wonder if it will have any effect this match, no really incidents so far! Rate Kupiers highly as probably the best European ref after Brych from Germany.

Edit: commentators also baffled why a standard SPA wasn’t booked. Quote “it’s no wonder there are no English refs there, it’s a different rule book”. Problem.
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A&H International
That moment when you have to explain to the AR that it’s the whole of the ball... Willian unlucky here - Flag goes up! 29C014FA-3D91-44FD-B4C5-696198A0E08A.jpeg
Kuipers is doing incredibly well this first half. Might be a favorite for the knockout games if he keeps this up
Kuipers is doing incredibly well this first half. Might be a favorite for the knockout games if he keeps this up
Appears to have left his cards in the dressing room though, a few sharp lemons wouldn’t go amiss 😬

But do like his man management, able to take a lot from his game and put it in mine!!
I think the officiating has taken a significant backward step. FIFA are generally a disgrace, so it's reasonable to be suspicious regarding their obvious mandate to officials. The focus on not punishing the players at all costs is seriously questionable
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Pen given! VAR recommends review, ref takes a look and overturns decision! There we go folks
Best VAR review yet, but why no yellow for Neymar? Could it have anything to do with his megastar status?
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A ref with a decent reputation, generally looks the part, cheated into giving a penalty, then man enough to admit his mistake. Only the yellow for cheating conspicuous by its absence

If these games were designed to laugh this system out of town it couldn’t be doing a better job.

What could Kuipers not see from 3m away?

Then if you think the contact was too minimal to be caresless you have to sanction the feigning the force of the contact.

How many other games are there in which the top players are programmed to cheat? It makes it impossible for referees. As referees, we want a degree of certainty when awarding PKs, so although the arm came across, the touch was feather like and the ref did the right thing for me. But the card is absolutely mandatory. If that card was absent at level 7 to 6 promotion, I'd expect to stay at grass roots
Nailed on YC for Neymar's dive in the box. A few moments later he was cautioned for dissent, would've been off. I thought Kuipers handled him well except for being deceived by the dive. My favourite referees are the absolute no nonsense not-having-any-of-this-play-acting referees. Nothing sweeter than seeing a player collapse to the ground, for the referee to tell them to get up and them leaving their team exposed on the counter.
Odd match, seemed to hit 80 minutes and Kupiers forgot his instructions and refereed like he has been doing back home and in the EL/CL the past few years. Hardly surprising match control was at its highest at the end, after a few yellow cards! Who'd have thought?!
There was contact on Neymar so is that enough not to give the yellow? Not enough for the foul to be given yet enough for it not to be clear simulation? Pretending to have been fouled is subjective. I would say most referees will not go with a card on contact. If the foul was not given in regular play it would not be carded.
Perhaps FIFA will get the message to allow refs to officiate as they see it rather than "instructions" Two nailed on dissent cards together probably had Neymar and Coutinho thinking that was not supposed to happen!!