Referee kicks out at player during PSG match

A&H International
I would really want to see the whole end to end clip. No doubt that Chapron kicks out at Carlos, but what happens after that. BT Sport are saying that he was given a second caution, so I can't work out what that was for. It's either VC for kicking the referee (which he didn't) or nothing, you can't give a caution for tripping the ref. They also reported that he than manhandled the referee after being sent off, so that link above has got the whole part between the incident and Carlos trudging off missing.
Im sure its happened somewhere in uncivilised parts, but if things got really out of hand, could the middle official be in effect, 'sent off' and replaced by the 4th official? Similar to the process of injury.
I cant see the vid in OP but this one clearly shows the accidental trip was caused by the referee's sudden move into the the path of the player who was running directly towards play and actually tried to avoid contact. Whatever happened to the concept of referees not getting in the way of players and not interfering with play/players.

The kick out afterwards was totally unprofessional. I doubt we will see this referee on top flight football anytime soon. The manhandling afterwards, although unacceptable, was minimal an attempt to get his attention. there are still some bits missing in the clip.

For me the correct action would have been to get up and get on with the game. Too much emotion involved in that decision.
If this happened to me I'd laugh it off with the player and continue play although it makes me wonder why the referee believes he's been deliberately tripped? Was he having a bad game/tough time off of Diego Carlos throughout?
Pretty bad.

Apparently the referee is retiring this season anyway, so he's going out with a bang. There's a lot of fan discussion on whether he will even face any punishment for this, most seems to be leaning towards 'no'.

I don't know why he's lost his head there...

Oh, since we're on the topic; Since he's obviously thought it was deliberate, is his decision to award a freekick to the opposition (direct) correct? I have never ever thought about this type of scenario ever occurring so...
Pretty bad.

Apparently the referee is retiring this season anyway, so he's going out with a bang. There's a lot of fan discussion on whether he will even face any punishment for this, most seems to be leaning towards 'no'.

I don't know why he's lost his head there...

Oh, since we're on the topic; Since he's obviously thought it was deliberate, is his decision to award a freekick to the opposition (direct) correct? I have never ever thought about this type of scenario ever occurring so...
Any physical offence towards a match official when the ball is in play is a direct free kick.

I don't believe this was an offence though.
Im sure its happened somewhere in uncivilised parts, but if things got really out of hand, could the middle official be in effect, 'sent off' and replaced by the 4th official? Similar to the process of injury.
Rewrite after referring to lotg.
Interesting scenario. the lotg says: "Competition rules must state clearly who replaces a match official who is unable to start or continue and any associated changes."

My take is only the referee can determine if he is unable to continue, it is unlikely he will give the reason "I can't control the game anymore" so pretending to be injured is the next best thing.
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Looked like *maybe* after the referee gets in the players way the player might have pushed the referee in the back causing him to fall?? The kick out and the emotion - though totally unacceptable might be from the fact he thought the player just ran up behind him and pushed him over.

The ref is wrong so many ways just trying to guess at what the ref was thinking!
Even if the player had deliberately tripped and/or pushed the referee (and I don't think he did) there's still no excuse for kicking out at the player. A player kicking an opponent in that way, in retaliation for what he thought was a foul would quite probably be sent off. I just can't figure out what this referee could possibly have been thinking.

I'm wondering if he might just possibly end up having to take his retirement a little earlier than he had originally planned.
That is completely nuts!

View from behind is fairly damning. Referee ran across the line of Diego Carlos and contact was unavoidable. As others have said would be surprised if that is not the end of his days as a referee.
Also seems he's admitted the contact was accidental in his match report on reviewing the video?

"Mr Tony Chapron, after reviewing the images, stated that his fall was caused accidentally. He has informed the DTA that he has prepared a report to this effect for the LFP disciplinary commission."
Come on!! We've all wanted to do this or something similar deep down...... When we stand there and take sh1t for 90 minutes, I bet there isn't one amongst us that haven't had a stray thought (with no intension of carrying it out) that you wouldn't want to give a bit back!! Of course its wrong to retaliate but i for sure have had bad days at the office and it just takes one small thing for your temper to turn!!
Also seems he's admitted the contact was accidental in his match report on reviewing the video?

"Mr Tony Chapron, after reviewing the images, stated that his fall was caused accidentally. He has informed the DTA that he has prepared a report to this effect for the LFP disciplinary commission."

He has also apologised to the player!
Come on!! We've all wanted to do this or something similar deep down...... When we stand there and take sh1t for 90 minutes, I bet there isn't one amongst us that haven't had a stray thought (with no intension of carrying it out) that you wouldn't want to give a bit back!! Of course its wrong to retaliate but i for sure have had bad days at the office and it just takes one small thing for your temper to turn!!
having a stray thought about it is one thing kicking a player is another, bye bye career
Here's a good video.
Looks to me like the player deliberately elbows the ref in the back.
It's not clear if the player also said something.
TBH I was expecting much worse than what is shown. Daft of the ref and yes, a kick out, but only just. He might get away with it as a spasm!
I think the arm went out from the player as a response to the body suddenly in front of him. I don't see an elbow there.

This is a referee who lost his cool at the collision. Don't get to do that as a referee - need to be able to keep your calm and think through the situation. He wouldn't have the foggiest idea how he got tripped or if it's anybody's fault (I'd argue it was his fault given the sudden change of direction). If this happens and you suspect foul play, then you need to consult your AR's and 4th official. With wireless comms it's very easy because you can figure out who saw it immediately, then go and have a chat. Say this happened by yourself? All you can do is keep a very, very close eye on the player - but there's no way you can send the player off. Appalling.
And that's even before considering the kick!!

As an AR or 4th here, I'd even argue that you need to call the referee over to offer your viewpoint. It's a necessity before a match-changing error is locked in stone.

At least he seems to be taking responsibility for the error.
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Looks to me like the player deliberately elbows the ref in the back. It's not clear if the player also said something.
TBH I was expecting much worse than what is shown. Daft of the ref and yes, a kick out, but only just. He might get away with it as a spasm!
I don't see anything suggesting a deliberate elbow (and the referee himself has admitted it was an accidental collision). But even if there was and even if the player did say something, these things would still be irrelevant. We wouldn't dream of excusing a player for a deliberate, off the ball retaliation because the opponent had done or said something to them first.

It's also not merely daft of the referee and it wasn't a spasm - it was a deliberate kick that is totally unacceptable. If anything, referees should be held to a higher standard of behaviour than players so if we wouldn't accept it from a player then why should we accept it from a referee?

Or to reverse the argument, if we start to say it's excusable or understandable for a referee to retaliate by kicking out in this way then how can we maintain that is unacceptable for players?
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