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      benmc reacted to Peter Grove's post in the thread True Story... with Like Like.
      This morning Siri said, 'Don't call me Shirley.' Turns out I had accidentally left my phone in Airplane! mode.
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      benmc replied to the thread NED V ENG Euro SF.
      So, I  was very much on the not a penalty side of the fence, but on reflection, it is not wrong to be given as a penalty. As has been...
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      benmc reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread England v Slovakia with Like Like.
      Overall, in my humble opinion Foul recognition: relatively poor. Consistency of disciplinary sanctions: very poor Englands overall...
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      benmc reacted to Peter Grove's post in the thread True Story... with Like Like.
      It seems that the England players will not be able to vote in the General Election. Turns out that when asked, not one of them could...
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      benmc replied to the thread NEW SIN BINS.
      I'm pleased about this change, and it caused so much confusion when a sin bin yellow wasn't a "real" yellow. I reckon this actually is...
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      benmc reacted to Big Cat's post in the thread GEO V POR with Like Like.
      Newton's third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ronaldo shirt pull is probably a PK, but the...
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      benmc replied to the thread GEO V POR.
      Bit late to the party on this debate, but to me it wasn't clear and obvious error so VAR should not have been involved. Giving a penalty...
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      benmc reacted to Big Cat's post in the thread SCO HUN with Like Like.
      I think the point being made is that 'it's like the boy that cried wolf' We don't think the Scot was attempting deception on this...
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      benmc replied to the thread SCO HUN.
      Definitely. Far too much effort is spent on deception and "winning" free kicks/penalties.
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      benmc reacted to BCMilan's post in the thread SCO HUN with Like Like.
      I reckon professional players would get many more of these decisions, if they didn't dive around so much. Several years back, he might...
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      benmc reacted to one's post in the thread True Story... with Like Like.
      I took my dog to the park to play Frisbee. He is just hopeless at it. I need a flatter dog.
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      benmc reacted to one's post in the thread True Story... with Like Like.
      Why are you carrying a 9 foot book? It's a long story.
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      benmc reacted to Kes's post in the thread True Story... with Like Like.
      Me to Mrs Kes: "So, what's your opinion on the state of English football refereeing then?" Mrs Kes to me: "Rubbish to be honest...
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      benmc replied to the thread True Story....
      I got a rubbish thesaurus for my birthday last week. It was rubbish
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      benmc reacted to Viridis1886's post in the thread True Story... with Like Like.
      I've just been told I'm colour blind. The news has come completely out of the green.
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