The Ref Stop

All was well till.............


First game of the season today, well cup game, 1st round(Have refereed both teams before) had to tell 3 players to change sock tape as not same colour as kit, told 1 player to remove wedding ring cannot be taped....Game starts,all going well, away side go 2-0 up by half time.
Start second half and within 20 minutes home side claw it back 2-2. Away side then score to make it 3-2, 5 minutes later home defender falls over in box lands on ball i see him push it away from near his body with his hand, i give the penalty, and he's not happy..... but never mind.. 4-2 to away side. Home side stops whinging at each other and play some good football really pressurising the away defence.
Six minutes on the watch and home side player brought down in the box..... give penalty.... no arguments about that one..... 4-3.
Last 5 minutes really good end to end football from both teams, could have gone either way but whistle goes and away side wins 4-3
Home side player comes up to me and says " why did you give penalty for handball he couldn't move out of the way quick enough?"
i says " so you didn't see him push the ball away with his hand then?" "um no but...." i walk away.... player who gave away the penalty then says to me " i didn't push the ball away it hit my hand and i moved it" ????? < doh>.
The Ref Stop
First game of the season today, well cup game, 1st round(Have refereed both teams before) had to tell 3 players to change sock tape as not same colour as kit, told 1 player to remove wedding ring cannot be taped....Game starts,all going well, away side go 2-0 up by half time.
Start second half and within 20 minutes home side claw it back 2-2. Away side then score to make it 3-2, 5 minutes later home defender falls over in box lands on ball i see him push it away from near his body with his hand, i give the penalty, and he's not happy..... but never mind.. 4-2 to away side. Home side stops whinging at each other and play some good football really pressurising the away defence.
Six minutes on the watch and home side player brought down in the box..... give penalty.... no arguments about that one..... 4-3.
Last 5 minutes really good end to end football from both teams, could have gone either way but whistle goes and away side wins 4-3
Home side player comes up to me and says " why did you give penalty for handball he couldn't move out of the way quick enough?"
i says " so you didn't see him push the ball away with his hand then?" "um no but...." i walk away.... player who gave away the penalty then says to me " i didn't push the ball away it hit my hand and i moved it" ????? < doh>.

if the player deliberately pushed the ball away in the penalty area with his hand is that not a red card ??? I do hope so
from his description it wasn't a goal scoring opportunity so why would it be a red card?
well it is a deliberate movement of the hand and pushed the ball away whilst on the floor in the penalty area new directives etc.
but I wasn't there so ..............................
" i see him push it away from near his body with his hand," his words in the penalty area why would he do this ??
from his description it wasn't a goal scoring opportunity so why would it be a red card?
Correct... was not a goal scoring opportunity, he was on the ground looking away from goal as he was getting up i saw him give the ball a little push to one side, i think the penalty which was then scored was ample punishment enough..... some of his team mates gave him some grief though
" i see him push it away from near his body with his hand," his words in the penalty area why would he do this ??
i think he was under the impression i didn't / wouldn't see it.... even so no attackers were near him to get the ball there was no immediate threat just a moment of madness which probably cost his team the match.
The goalkeeper has the same restrictions on handling the ball as any other player outside the penalty area.

which means the following applies ? :

Where a player denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by a deliberate handball offence the player is sent off wherever the offence occurs.
then why do keepers get sent of handling out side the penalty area

Wow...just wow!

So, you're saying that you would dismiss, and expect any candidate you are observing to do the same, a GK who handled outside of the area without a DOGSO offence?

Or....are you suggesting that any handling by the GK outside of the area is to be viewed as DOGSO?