Junior/Youth Possible DOGSO-H

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RefChat Addict
Reffed an U15 game tonight and had a potential DOGSO-H in the first half.

Ball fell to the attacker on the edge of the box, who unleashed a thunderbolt that was heading in, when the defender threw himself across the box and blocked the ball. He went down holding his face (think Steven Taylor), but in all honesty I have no idea what the ball hit.

My instinct tells me that he handled it, but as I explained to the attacking team, I wasn't certain so there was no way I could dismiss him. I wish I had done now, he admitted that he'd handled it at the end of the game! :D
A&H International
By 'no way you could dismiss him' do you mean you did or didn't give the penalty?

Perhaps I'm reading too much into this?
By 'no way you could dismiss him' do you mean you did or didn't give the penalty?

Perhaps I'm reading too much into this?

I didn't give the penalty, it was going on target, so it would've been a penalty and red card had I been sure that he'd handled it. Not dismissing having given the penalty would be unforgivable.
Did the ball appear to strike in the region of his head, or at least a balls width away?
Couldn't tell what it hit so you couldn't give it. You could have checked with a NAR if you had one but aside from that, right decision.

Did the ball appear to strike in the region of his head, or at least a balls width away?
Where are you going with that one Regal?
I get where Regal is going ... if it 'appeared' further away from the head region, then its easy to follow a handball decision
Been here. Quite a high profile game a couple of years back. The newspaper rather partisanly reported "the referee missed an obvious handball that everyone in the ground saw". Thanks for that local rag!

As I told the home team ass man at half time "he smashed the shot straight at him so hard, I have no idea what part of him hit the ball"

As the newspaper reported though "everyone in the ground saw it!"

Presumably the reporter went around and asked everyone.

You did correctly in your scenario sir. :)
Well done! Had a penalty shout a couple of weeks back. A player went down injured but I wasn't sure if it was a pen due to watching some pushing that was going on. The coach said why not the pen so I said that hadn't seen it properly so can't give what you don't see. He said fair enough, smiled and walked off!
Thanks everyone.

Frustrating that the correct decision at the time turned out not to be, but I'm not about to start guessing.

@SM I'm sure the reporter interviewed every single spectator. You know what these reporters are like, they never exaggerate! :rolleyes:
Been here. Quite a high profile game a couple of years back. The newspaper rather partisanly reported "the referee missed an obvious handball that everyone in the ground saw". Thanks for that local rag!

As I told the home team ass man at half time "he smashed the shot straight at him so hard, I have no idea what part of him hit the ball"

As the newspaper reported though "everyone in the ground saw it!"

Presumably the reporter went around and asked everyone.

You did correctly in your scenario sir. :)

Wouldn't want to guess at what his job is?
You mean 'guess' ......

I'll answer the question myself thanks.

My point was if the ball appeared at least a balls width away from the head at the point of impact and yet he holds his face, it could well give you an indicator.

Not saying you would make a decision based solely on that, but an indicator.
I'll answer the question myself thanks.

My point was if the ball appeared at least a balls width away from the head at the point of impact and yet he holds his face, it could well give you an indicator.

Not saying you would make a decision based solely on that, but an indicator.

It hit somewhere on the top half of his body, that's all I had to go off! I see your point though, if it hadn't hit his face why else would he hold it other than to cover up a handball?
It hit somewhere on the top half of his body, that's all I had to go off! I see your point though, if it hadn't hit his face why else would he hold it other than to cover up a handball?

Correct. Obviously you can't go giving penalties entirely off that, but if you're 85% sure, you play it back through your mind and that's the case, it may be enough to fully convince you.
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