Barcelona Penalty


Le meilleur arbitre jamais!
Level 4 Referee
What do people think about this? Suarez was outside the box until Messi kicked it, even though most people disagree.

Pen starts at 25 seconds.
A&H International
My Facebook was going crazy last night claiming Suarez was offside...
The link doesn't work for me, copyright notice...

Not the cleverest thing to do at a penalty, but at a the same time nothing in the laws to say you can't. There is an argument that it shows a lack of respect for the opposition :confused: After the Pires/Henry screw up all those years ago, surprised anyone would try it again.

View from behind the goal suggests Suarez had stepped inside the area just before the kick was taken, but it's rare to see a re-take for encroachment/keeper off the line...
My link pops up with the same copyright - stopping it being posted here :(

Yes he's a metre inside the area (having encroached through the D!) - but - that's OK for 99.9% of refs out there - at all levels ... let it go ...
There was an argument I just looked at on a mates page... "Messi passed the ball forward to Suarez who was in front of the last defender". I've seen the penalty and I think it was a fantastic piece of sportsman on two accounts. From what I understand, the decision to take the penalty like that was a show of solidarity to Cruyff who tried a similar penalty in the 70's, I heard someone say he's just been diagnosed with cancer (I'm not sure how true that is as ivenot googled it). The second bit of sportsmanship was to allow Suarez to have his hattrick. For me, this goes to prove my Messi beat Ronaldo aga to the Balon D'or, and again goes to show why he is so highly thought of. You'd never see Ronaldo do that.
I can't open the link either but just to be clear, if the referee is doing his job properly you can't be offside from a PK as you have to be outside the area AND behind the ball. For me, all good, football is entertainment after all ....
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I've seen the penalty and I think it was a fantastic piece of sportsman on two accounts. From what I understand, the decision to take the penalty like that was a show of solidarity to Cruyff who tried a similar penalty in the 70's, I heard someone say he's just been diagnosed with cancer (I'm not sure how true that is as ivenot googled it). The second bit of sportsmanship was to allow Suarez to have his hattrick. For me, this goes to prove my Messi beat Ronaldo aga to the Balon D'or, and again goes to show why he is so highly thought of. You'd never see Ronaldo do that.

I think you're confusing Messi and the Messiah!!! Cruyff's cancer has been public knowledge since last October although it has been in the press over the last couple of days. Messi may well have wanted Suarez to complete his hat trick but he could just have let him take the penalty. You might never see Ronaldo do it but you'd never seen Messi do it until yesterday.

Having said all of that I have no problem with taking a penalty in this manner.
I get the same message when trying to watch it embedded here. Just click on the "Watch on YouTube" link and it plays fine.
If you look closer, Suarez runs into the Penalty Area 'D' before Messi kicks the ball, thus giving him an advantage on any defenders.
In what way is it unsporting?
Indeed - I can't see any reason why playing the penalty to a team mate is in any way unsporting. The IFAB has already ruled on what is and is not permissible when taking a penalty kick and that is not one of the things that is prohibited. So long as the team mate has not encroached (which of course, Suarez did) the defenders, if they are alert and doing what they should be doing (following the ball in) should have as much chance as the attacking players, of reaching the ball first. If anything, it probably gives the defenders slightly better odds of preventing a goal from being scored and as we all know, various attempts at doing this have come to grief in the past.
There was an argument I just looked at on a mates page... "Messi passed the ball forward to Suarez who was in front of the last defender". I've seen the penalty and I think it was a fantastic piece of sportsman on two accounts. From what I understand, the decision to take the penalty like that was a show of solidarity to Cruyff who tried a similar penalty in the 70's, I heard someone say he's just been diagnosed with cancer (I'm not sure how true that is as ivenot googled it). The second bit of sportsmanship was to allow Suarez to have his hattrick. For me, this goes to prove my Messi beat Ronaldo aga to the Balon D'or, and again goes to show why he is so highly thought of. You'd never see Ronaldo do that.
But why not just let Suarez take the penalty then? :p
Imagine scenes....

Player gets sent off for DOGSO, opposition does this PK routine and get fouled again for DOGSO.

That'd be a game changer! Particularly if it was 2 keepers!
My link pops up with the same copyright - stopping it being posted here :(

Yes he's a metre inside the area (having encroached through the D!) - but - that's OK for 99.9% of refs out there - at all levels ... let it go ...

Encroached through the D and a metre inside the area? The D is 4 yards, so he's literally half the distance from the ball that he should be. That's a disgusting level of encroachment to be permitted.
Not sure how much it really matters but just for the sake of accuracy, he didn't run through from the top of the D. He was standing close to where the edge of the D meets the penalty area. On the best freeze frame that I have seen of the moment just fractionally before Messi strikes the ball, it would appear Suarez has encroached by about half a metre and is still inside the D. Now, if the penalty had been scored directly I think most refs would have let it go but the problem here is that it's the encroachment by Suarez that enables him to get to the ball first, which materially alters the equation.
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