Things I Wish I Hadn't Said


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Level 5 Referee
Occasionally as you are saying something you regret it immediately or shortly afterwards it comes back to bite you.
For example how many times as justification have I said "I can only give what I see player" which leaves you wide open for a comeback that brings into question your eyesight which may well lead to a caution. All unnecessary had I ignored the player possibly.
A&H International
Know what you mean. I learnt quickly not to say 'he got the ball' for a disputed but fair tackle because inevitably 5 mins later some joker would come through his man to get to the ball and then give me grief because he too 'got the ball' :rolleyes:
I had quite a brain fart in an U18 game. Claret player was joking around the whole game, acting hurt every time he went down. I got told he used to play for the Whites which is why he was messing round. It was a bit like the boy who cried wolf.

Second half, he goes down and acts exactly the same as he had been game. I then told him to get up and stop simulating injury. I then discovered that he was in fact, actually injured! He appeared to have dislocated his shoulder. I couldn't see this as he decided to lay on it. After a 10 minute break. I checked with both manager that they were willing to continue, which they were, so we did.
I felt quite bad for the rest of the game and even offered the manager to take half my match fee back as an apology, which he refused and told me not to worry.
For some stupid reason, at the toss I decided to tell the players to be nice to me as I'd been out later than I should have the night before.

Match control gone from second 1 of that game!
Cup game, knew both captains well so as we tossed the coin I decided to go for "remember it's a cup game lads, extra time and penalties, but I'm working at 5 so we won't be having extra time (comedy wink )". Obviously I wasn't reminded of that when I gave a 90th minute penalty with the scores 1-1.......
Mine was a simple slip of the tongue in a game between two teams who didn't like each other much.

Defender clears header off line. I go to shout on the line and instead shouted 'Innnnnn the line'....realised I was in trouble because it wasn't clear.....luckily someone headed in rebound. No problems and no one noticed!
I checked with both manager that they were willing to continue, which they were, so we did.
I felt quite bad for the rest of the game and even offered the manager to take half my match fee back as an apology, which he refused and told me not to worry.
Jack ....asking the managers if they want to continue is a big mistake mate , your leaving yourself open to all sorts of problems..... especially if one team is losing ? You must make the call ....and someone being injured should not be a reason to call a game off ? Running out of daylight ...yes

if you have a game in the afternoon :D definitely yes:D

As for offering the match fee back :eek:
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Jack ....asking the managers if they want to continue is a big mistake mate , your leaving yourself open to all sorts of problems..... especially if one team is losing ? You must make the call ....and someone being injured should not be a reason to call a game off ? Running out of daylight ...yes

if you have a game in the afternoon :D definitely yes:D

As for offering the match fee back :eek:

I offered part of it back for the sole reason that I felt really bad about not noticing straight away that something was very wrong.
I only asked the managers due to the fact that both sets of players knew eachother very well and I wanted to make sure that they were in the right frame of mind to continue