2 players pushing-restart of play

If the ball has moved away from the incident (and remained in play), and you're forced to stop the game when two players square up to each other-nothing worse than a caution for each player-how would you restart play? I know it should be an IFK when play is stopped to caution a player, but nit sure about 2 players from opposing teams. This is assuming you don't know who started it.
A&H International
Position of the ball is 100% irrelevant to the location or type of restart of foul (except for scenarios where, say, it's a GK and the ball is still in the PA). Pushing is a penal foul, so the restart is a direct free kick from where the offence occurred.

If, however, they've done it both completely simultaneously and of equal severity, the restart is a drop ball from the location of the ball. Extremely rare, usually one started it first, or one starts walking and glaring at the other and the other starts pushing, that sort of thing.

As a proactive referee though, you'll keep an eye on potential flare-ups and use your voice to tell them to get on with it :)

As an AR or 4th, you're constantly scanning the field for these incidents behind play.
If I wasn't sure who started it, I'd go for the Defensive free kick and would be pulling both captains in for the Card Presentation Ceremony!
One of those situational and 'go with your gut' instincts.

The good thing here is that if you _do_ go with the drop-ball aspect, you can communicate pretty well how exasperated you are that you needed to stop the game to deal with their handbags (and thus sell the caution nicely). This is one of those situations where you don't look too fussy for giving a drop ball!
I think the drop ball is your only option in the situation you describe .

If you give the FK to one side or the other and you call it wrong the other player is not going to be happy

We are not there to guess what happened so 2 yellows and a drop is fair .