Half match fee for weather call offs


Next Weeks Ref
How many of you get this?

I called off a game last Sunday and enquired with secretary who said that of course I don't get half fee cos players haven't paid sub's.

Now it may be just that league but I thought this was pretty standard?
A&H International
You only get half match fee plus expenses if you travel to the game only to have to call It off once you are there. Like I did this weekend. £20 for doing nothing? Just a shame I couldn't get another game at short notice!
That's exactly what I did... Even waited an extra 30 mins past kick off time to see if pitch thawed out...
Inspected an U13 game 90 minutes before kick off. Was no chance it was being played on. Half fee given no bother. Nice 18 pound to walk about a rock hard pitch for 5 minutes. Id be fuming if I had treked all the way there and got nothing. Always thought you got half fee so your not enticed to play the game if the pitch should not really be played on.
If it's local, within 15 mins driving time, I rarely claim my half fee if I turn up and it's pretty much immediately obvious we won't be playing. I don't do this for the money and to take £10-£20 for just having a 5 minute walk across a pitch just seems wrong when you consider how often teams struggle for funds.

If it's further away, or I end up waiting for things to improve etc, then fair enough.
Read league rules....should be in there....contact county if you need help

If you don't carry a copy of the competition rules you do yourself no favours. You can make mistakes that can see you suspended from refereeing if you're working to last season's rules and get it wrong.
If it's local, within 15 mins driving time, I rarely claim my half fee if I turn up and it's pretty much immediately obvious we won't be playing. I don't do this for the money and to take £10-£20 for just having a 5 minute walk across a pitch just seems wrong when you consider how often teams struggle for funds.

If it's further away, or I end up waiting for things to improve etc, then fair enough.
I do agree with this. However, most leagues that I am aware of have a system of asking nearby local referees to do a pitch inspection early on match day to save the actual match referee from making a long journey just to call the game off (and saving the club the half match fee + expenses).
I never knew this. Most my games are pretty local so doubt I'd ever take a half fee for doing nothing, but I'm only driving ten or twenty minutes to get to a game so wouldn't be worried about it.
If it's local, within 15 mins driving time, I rarely claim my half fee if I turn up and it's pretty much immediately obvious we won't be playing. I don't do this for the money and to take £10-£20 for just having a 5 minute walk across a pitch just seems wrong when you consider how often teams struggle for funds.

If it's further away, or I end up waiting for things to improve etc, then fair enough.

Last week's ref!.....or do I detect a convert to the bstard approach to technicalities ;)
Inspected an U13 game 90 minutes before kick off. Was no chance it was being played on. Half fee given no bother. Nice 18 pound to walk about a rock hard pitch for 5 minutes. Id be fuming if I had treked all the way there and got nothing. Always thought you got half fee so your not enticed to play the game if the pitch should not really be played on.
Wait, what - U13 game and half-match fee was £18? Wow, or is that Scottish Pounds?
The problem with a late calling off of a game is the ref has no chance of getting another game. Called off early= possibility of getting another match!
If I turn up and I deem the pitch unplayable or for some other reason the game doesn't start then I get half fee
Last week's ref!.....or do I detect a convert to the bstard approach to technicalities ;)

Not at all.....

Just don't referee for the money so don't see why something over which a club has absolutely no control, the weather, should see them needlessly out of pocket, especially given they way costs rise every season for teams.

If others feel they need to claim their pound of flesh for being out of the house for 30 mins or so, then that is their prerogative.
Just out of interest is this the same case if one of the sides cant get a team together? I had this at the weekend, three games to do at the same venue, the last was cancelled as one side couldnt get enough players. Not that I would be asking for cash for that as quite frankly I was happy to get home out of the freezing rain and wind! But interesting to know for future reference. I've checked the leagues handbook and there is no mention of referee fees in the event of a cancellation.