The Ref Stop

Commenting on great moments as they happen

Ref X

RefChat Addict
Grassroots Referee
Just wanted to hear some opinions about what everybody's thought are on running commentary when you see something outstanding happen while refereeing.

This could be a great through ball, a huge save or a fantastic passage of play.

You know the moments. When you see them, your brain just says, "WOW!"

I've had times when I verbalize this on the field.
  • "What a hit"
  • "Great through ball"
  • "Wow"
It's never over-the-top celebratory. More like a small tip of my cap to the players. I think in general it humanizes me and allows me to stay in the flow of the game and keep a connection with play and the players.

But this could also have negative effects (one team thinks I'm favoring the other, etc).

I try not to do this in certain circumstances, like when the temperature of the game is high or if it's a really one-sided affair.

Anyway, what do others think? OK to do in some situations or not professional? Had this kindof commentary lead to a bad situation? No worries?
The Ref Stop
Just wanted to hear some opinions about what everybody's thought are on running commentary when you see something outstanding happen while refereeing.

This could be a great through ball, a huge save or a fantastic passage of play.

You know the moments. When you see them, your brain just says, "WOW!"

I've had times when I verbalize this on the field.
  • "What a hit"
  • "Great through ball"
  • "Wow"
It's never over-the-top celebratory. More like a small tip of my cap to the players. I think in general it humanizes me and allows me to stay in the flow of the game and keep a connection with play and the players.

But this could also have negative effects (one team thinks I'm favoring the other, etc).

I try not to do this in certain circumstances, like when the temperature of the game is high or if it's a really one-sided affair.

Anyway, what do others think? OK to do in some situations or not professional? Had this kindof commentary lead to a bad situation? No worries?
I do this in youth games but not open age men generally. If it’s reserved for those WOW moment and not running commentary I think it’s fine. I’ve certainly never had any issues
Just wanted to hear some opinions about what everybody's thought are on running commentary when you see something outstanding happen while refereeing.

This could be a great through ball, a huge save or a fantastic passage of play.

You know the moments. When you see them, your brain just says, "WOW!"

I've had times when I verbalize this on the field.
  • "What a hit"
  • "Great through ball"
  • "Wow"
It's never over-the-top celebratory. More like a small tip of my cap to the players. I think in general it humanizes me and allows me to stay in the flow of the game and keep a connection with play and the players.

But this could also have negative effects (one team thinks I'm favoring the other, etc).

I try not to do this in certain circumstances, like when the temperature of the game is high or if it's a really one-sided affair.

Anyway, what do others think? OK to do in some situations or not professional? Had this kindof commentary lead to a bad situation? No worries?
It is absolutely fine as long a as, as you said it' it is don't in the right way and the right time. It's also a tool to build a good rapport with players showing that you understand the game and appreciate good play.

Often after a good goal (say a 25 yarder into the top corner) I turn to a defender near me and say that was just too good and nothing you guys or the keeper could have done about it.
I do this in youth games but not open age men generally. If it’s reserved for those WOW moment and not running commentary I think it’s fine. I’ve certainly never had any issues
@OnlyUseMeWhistle Makes total sense to approach varying levels differently. Thanks!

It's also a tool to build a good rapport with players showing that you understand the game and appreciate good play. Often after a good goal (say a 25 yarder into the top corner) I turn to a defender near me and say that was just too good and nothing you guys or the keeper could have done about it.
@one Definitely with you on this. When players know you know what just happened was a wow moment, they'll appreciate you for it. And I like the, "that was just a great play" convo. Again, players know sometimes you just give credit where it's due on goals and when the ref knows it too, players should usually respect it.
I agree with above--but need to be a bit careful in how it plays into perception. Especially true where referees may be perceived as being a "home" referee, would want to be careful about giving an impression that you were rooting for them.
I agree with above--but need to be a bit careful in how it plays into perception. Especially true where referees may be perceived as being a "home" referee, would want to be careful about giving an impression that you were rooting for them.
Great point taking home and away teams into account. Thanks!
Yes I do this with youth but very rarely with adult. I’m also careful to only complement in dead/quiet/undramatic periods. I don’t want to influence a change in tone or start drama accidentally.

If a problem player does something good I sometimes take that opportunity to complement.

I like it most in neutral moments, say if there’s just been a few battles, they’ve broken the press and there’s a lull in midfield. Feels natural for me to comment ”good stuff” or something basic to complement both sides.
Yes I do this with youth but very rarely with adult. I’m also careful to only complement in dead/quiet/undramatic periods. I don’t want to influence a change in tone or start drama accidentally.

If a problem player does something good I sometimes take that opportunity to complement.

I like it most in neutral moments, say if there’s just been a few battles, they’ve broken the press and there’s a lull in midfield. Feels natural for me to comment ”good stuff” or something basic to complement both sides.
All makes sense. I'm with you.
I do it quite a lot but then again I talk all the way through the game including OA, if people heard me they’d probably think I need locking up! Red ball, red, came off blue, 8 is offside, becareful here don’t dive in, great tackle, good pass, corner I mean goal kick, I know I said corner but I pointed for goal kick as it is a goal kick, no I’m not on drugs, you want a sin bin? Actually I need to stop talking I think
I do it quite a lot but then again I talk all the way through the game including OA, if people heard me they’d probably think I need locking up! Red ball, red, came off blue, 8 is offside, becareful here don’t dive in, great tackle, good pass, corner I mean goal kick, I know I said corner but I pointed for goal kick as it is a goal kick, no I’m not on drugs, you want a sin bin? Actually I need to stop talking I think
I think communicating - especially non decisions - is usually really important. In a quiet game it can get annoying if the ref shouts every throw - and like the whistle, overuse can spoil the effect.
I think communicating - especially non decisions - is usually really important. In a quiet game it can get annoying if the ref shouts every throw - and like the whistle, overuse can spoil the effect.
Equally, in todays game I was talking a fair bit, calling throw ins. Whenever I decided a call didn’t need it the players all looked at me confused 😂
As others have said I think it all depends on the type of game and how it is going. Personally, I Iike to communicate as much as possible but most of it is neutral or preventative rather than positive (although in junior games I will take a more positive / supportive tone). However, when the circumstances are right I particularly like to communicate my dissatisfaction when a cracking advantage that should lead to a goal is butchered. Not that it should ever be about me. :-)
As others have said I think it all depends on the type of game and how it is going. Personally, I Iike to communicate as much as possible but most of it is neutral or preventative rather than positive (although in junior games I will take a more positive / supportive tone). However, when the circumstances are right I particularly like to communicate my dissatisfaction when a cracking advantage that should lead to a goal is butchered. Not that it should ever be about me. :)
Quite right!

Since using mics more - when we are not using mics - I will complement and thank assistants for good work. This can also be a good way to sell a decision. I also want them to feel good about wait and sees or good timing 🤩