The Ref Stop

Powers of recovery...


RefChat Addict
The powers that be have blessed me with a step 5 middle Friday night followed by a step 3 line Saturday 3pm...does anyone have any top tips to get me through both in one piece!?!
The Ref Stop
That shouldn't happen, doesn't MOAS allocate you a rest day either side of a game? You can't possibly be at your best for that Saturday game having done a middle the night before, it is a nonsense.
Alas not at L4, line came through first, didn't even consider the possibility of getting a game on the Friday. Both being observed as well
Stretch off post-match, and have a bath when you get home?

Stay well clear of alcohol and caffeine. And get yourself some porridge for breakfast, ready to get you going in the following game. Stay hydrated at half time as well.
Stretch off post-match, and have a bath when you get home?

Stay well clear of alcohol and caffeine. And get yourself some porridge for breakfast, ready to get you going in the following game. Stay hydrated at half time as well.

Bath is a good shout, cheers. Will get the Mrs to run me one ready for when I'm back
Can I respectfully ask why someone is not able to do a Step 5 middle the night before a Step 3 line? (I do youth football and 3 games back to back in Ireland).
I assume the football is much quicker so more sprinting as opposed to fast runs. Distance wise, would it be much different?

Genuinely curious.
Can I respectfully ask why someone is not able to do a Step 5 middle the night before a Step 3 line? (I do youth football and 3 games back to back in Ireland).
I assume the football is much quicker so more sprinting as opposed to fast runs. Distance wise, would it be much different?

Genuinely curious.
Whilst every watch measures differently, I'd be expecting around 9.5Km for the middle and 5.5K for the line. Depending on fitness level, this is obviously doable ... however for many referees it's tough to give 100% to each (both mentally and physically) and there's a temptation to 'hold back' a bit in the first game in the knowledge that another is imminent. As levels increase, more and more weight is attached to the importance of recovery post game, exactly why, as Rusty says, at Level 3 and above a rest day is automatically inserted pre and post a match. (Though, as an aside, this doesn't actually work if you do both mens and womens matches!)
I would be coming off of one of them, that is ridiculous.
It's always been the case.
I do know however our referee appointments officer is understanding and most likely allow you to come off your middle.
You won't be coming off the line though, that's for certain, as that appointment will take precedent.

I suspect in @es1 case (and sorry to be presumptuous) he would prefer to do the middle, I know I would and situation as it is, is only going to be able to do that as is and do both of them.

Personally, I'd quite happily do both, I ran a 6 mile run Sunday after running 5 miles in a step 5 middle on the Sat so I am sure I could run a line post a middle the night before.
Whilst every watch measures differently, I'd be expecting around 9.5Km for the middle and 5.5K for the line. Depending on fitness level, this is obviously doable ... however for many referees it's tough to give 100% to each (both mentally and physically) and there's a temptation to 'hold back' a bit in the first game in the knowledge that another is imminent. As levels increase, more and more weight is attached to the importance of recovery post game, exactly why, as Rusty says, at Level 3 and above a rest day is automatically inserted pre and post a match. (Though, as an aside, this doesn't actually work if you do both mens and womens matches!)

Take 10-15% off those distances but about right! I'll be putting everything into my first game though, as much as both are important, the middle is more important to me.

I bet there's several 4s in my area with no game this weekend, baffling why they don't have a game and I have 2.
Take 10-15% off those distances but about right! I'll be putting everything into my first game though, as much as both are important, the middle is more important to me.

I bet there's several 4s in my area with no game this weekend, baffling why they don't have a game and I have 2.
My presumption was correct then 😁👏
  • Haha
Reactions: es1
It's always been the case.
I do know however our referee appointments officer is understanding and most likely allow you to come off your middle.
You won't be coming off the line though, that's for certain, as that appointment will take precedent.

I suspect in @es1 case (and sorry to be presumptuous) he would prefer to do the middle, I know I would and situation as it is, is only going to be able to do that as is and do both of them.

Personally, I'd quite happily do both, I ran a 6 mile run Sunday after running 5 miles in a step 5 middle on the Sat so I am sure I could run a line post a middle the night before.

I absolutely want to do both, they're good games to get but you're right, give me a choice and I'm having the middle every time
does anyone have any top tips to get me through both in one piece!?!
Ensure good hydration is the most important. Hopefully you do this anyway but if not start today. Accept the extra toilet trips if you have to.
High carb meal on Thursday evening.
Have a protein shake ready to go and consume within 30 minutes immediately after your Friday game.
Warm up well AND a proper warm down. Stretches, foam roll and even a little extra light jogs. Ideally want to loosen up before going to bed, otherwise stiffness might set in overnight. If I've done a big run the worst thing I can do is then stop moving. If I keep moving throughout the day is staves off stiffness and DOMS, as its a night game you don't have this luxury. So little things like standing in the clubhouse with your post match water instead of sitting. And don't be eating the sausage and chips either 😂😂 okay maybe the chips, lightly salted 😁
Ensure good hydration is the most important. Hopefully you do this anyway but if not start today. Accept the extra toilet trips if you have to.
High carb meal on Thursday evening.
Have a protein shake ready to go and consume within 30 minutes immediately after your Friday game.
Warm up well AND a proper warm down. Stretches, foam roll and even a little extra light jogs. Ideally want to loosen up before going to bed, otherwise stiffness might set in overnight. If I've done a big run the worst thing I can do is then stop moving. If I keep moving throughout the day is staves off stiffness and DOMS, as its a night game you don't have this luxury. So little things like standing in the clubhouse with your post match water instead of sitting. And don't be eating the sausage and chips either 😂😂 okay maybe the chips, lightly salted 😁

Cheers mate, all noted! I'm not going to be able to move Sunday 😆
And don't forget to use the 'closed dates' function on MOAS, it's actually quite good!

Yeah all in, deffo my own fault, but I just didn't expect a Friday night game to be a possibility. Sundays already closed to prevent it occurring the other way!
Can I respectfully ask why someone is not able to do a Step 5 middle the night before a Step 3 line? (I do youth football and 3 games back to back in Ireland).
I assume the football is much quicker so more sprinting as opposed to fast runs. Distance wise, would it be much different?

Genuinely curious.

It isn't that they aren't allowed, it is rather just bad practice. At L3 when you get an appointment MOAS automatically puts rest days either day of the appointment, it doesn't do that for L4s though.

It isn't necessarily down to the distance run, rather the pace of the game gets faster the higher the level you go. So does the mental strain, you've got more to manage and higher stakes than a typical grass roots game. I would sometimes get home from games, typically evening ones when I've also had a hard day at work, both mentally and physically drained, and the thought of going out to do another game 16 hours later would not be appealing.

There's also the risk factor. You could get injured on that Friday night game, and the appointing authority for the Saturday game, The FA, work office hours. You'll have an emergency contact number, but they might not be best impressed at being called at 10pm on a Friday night or the early hours of Saturday morning. And with the current referee shortage they might be hard pressed to find a replacement.

That said, I know of some referees who do a Saturday morning kids game before then going to a supply or contrib game. And one referee who does a park run before his supply or contrib game. I've never understood that as you can't be at your peak best for what is semi-pro football, and if you pick up an injury you are going to be having a very, very difficult conversation.
Cheers mate, all noted! I'm not going to be able to move Sunday 😆
You have Chelsea v Spurs to laugh at on Sky on Sunday at 4.30 (just about the time you will get up!!)
You have Chelsea v Spurs to laugh at on Sky on Sunday at 4.30 (just about the time you will get up!!)

We're off to xscape with the kids...every chance I'll do just as much walking and running after them as I'll do in either game!
Game 1 done, feel like it went well! Red and a few yellows and 22 fist bumps/handshakes, let's see what Mr observer made of it...9am debrief! Anyone ever had one any earlier!?!