The Ref Stop

Apple Watch??

My understanding from watching other ref's use it is that you would typically type the teamsheet into your phone pre-match, then it uploads that list of names to the watch. So as long as he's still asking the player's name and finding that on his watch (rather than just noting the number), surely that should still be OK?

Maybe, but I'd wish you the best of luck trying to explain that to some observers.
The Ref Stop
Maybe, but I'd wish you the best of luck trying to explain that to some observers.
Fair point!

Out of interest, what I've started doing in these matches is copying down the team sheet into my book - the idea being the same, that I will already have the player name and can just make a note next to them if a card is shown. I assume no observer would have an issue with that approach?
When I get teamsheets I enter it into the app. If I have to issue a card, the name gets written onto the card, card issued then I update the app. Without teamsheets I just take the full name onto the card again, then update the app with number only.
Fair point!

Out of interest, what I've started doing in these matches is copying down the team sheet into my book - the idea being the same, that I will already have the player name and can just make a note next to them if a card is shown. I assume no observer would have an issue with that approach?
Standard caution procedure is that you ask the player for their name. Thats how they want it doing.
Standard caution procedure is that you ask the player for their name. Thats how they want it doing.

Which is fine, as you ask them their name and then check it matches the name recorded against the number in the app. The issue may come from observers see you not writing the name down or not using paper of any kind, the older generation of them may well assume that you aren't following procedure. So if you are using the app I would suggest telling them before the game, making a it clear that you still ask them their name.
Which is fine, as you ask them their name and then check it matches the name recorded against the number in the app. The issue may come from observers see you not writing the name down or not using paper of any kind, the older generation of them may well assume that you aren't following procedure. So if you are using the app I would suggest telling them before the game, making a it clear that you still ask them their name.
And what do you do if it doesn't match?

Cant helo but feel this App trying to fix a problem that doesnt exist... but each to own... I'll crack on with my pen and paper :D and thats from a millennial (just!)
And what do you do if it doesn't match?

Cant helo but feel this App trying to fix a problem that doesnt exist... but each to own... I'll crack on with my pen and paper :D and thats from a millennial (just!)

Same as you do if it doesn't match a name you've written in your notebook before the game. Write the correct name down somewhere else, be that in a book or on the card if there is room. No technology is infallible so you always need a plan B.
Padders: As others have said above, carding procedure doesn't change. My procedure was/is call the player over, check name against sheet (formally on a match card in wallet, now on the watch) do the talk, show the card and off we go again.

Thankfully I'm at a level where I have zero wish to get promoted any further and I won't have to explain myself to an observer/assessor or anyone else. Unless they ask of course in which case I'll happily show then the tech. behind the watch and the app
Thanks for the reply! I want to use it to stop the time and let my other watch be continuous. Is that not a good idea then?

That can be done on one of the timers (pro version only I think). It stops the main timer and a smaller one for additional time commences. As a neat reminder that time is stopped, the watch vibrates every couple of seconds in case you restart the game without restarting the timer
That can be done on one of the timers (pro version only I think). It stops the main timer and a smaller one for additional time commences. As a neat reminder that time is stopped, the watch vibrates every couple of seconds in case you restart the game without restarting the timer
I’m loving the sound of it. I’m going to order the bundle today which comes with a watch and Pro. Thanks for your help
Is it me or does this all sound a little bit ‘prima donna’? I feel it almost gives off the ‘all the gear no idea’ look if I saw a ref updating bookings using his watch on a Sunday morning
Is it me or does this all sound a little bit ‘prima donna’? I feel it almost gives off the ‘all the gear no idea’ look if I saw a ref updating bookings using his watch on a Sunday morning
I don’t think so. I used mine on Saturday and it was genuinely so so so much easier and less fumbling around than with a notepad. As long as you’re committed and enjoy it, I don’t see a problem with it at all