Schools County Football

but in an age where making referees seem more 'approachable' and 'normal' is a big talked about thing ... don't you feel if we were to turn out in a (smart) tracksuit then that would help towards the divide?

and trust me there is definitely a divide ... maybe not wholly down to the suit thing though - but wouldn't it help?
A&H International
I turn up to every game in a tracksuit unless it is an ESFA cup game, South West Peninsular Premier game or a cup final.

There is such a thing as being too presentable - Plus, half of the places I'd usually travel to, I'd ruin my good shoes! :oops:
Before I did my game, I looked to find info on the competition, and I couldn't find anything on FA Full Time. I was just appointed and I still don't know anything except that I reffed a game, I couldn't find any league or any reference what so ever. If there is a website or link somebody could post that would be great. I manged not to get my cards out so I didn't need to go WGS but if I had would I have found it? I know I could have rung my RDO and found out but this type of football seems hidden to those not in the know!
but in an age where making referees seem more 'approachable' and 'normal' is a big talked about thing ... don't you feel if we were to turn out in a (smart) tracksuit then that would help towards the divide?

and trust me there is definitely a divide ... maybe not wholly down to the suit thing though - but wouldn't it help?

I always turn up for my Saturday games wearing a shirt, tie and trousers. Usually, it's a full suit but if it's cold I'll wear a jumper and smart coat instead of the suit jacket. The club officials and players all know immediately that I'm the referee and I feel it actually makes me more approachable. The first impression I make is good, they all usually say "hi ref" because they know who I am and an hour before kick off I'm already over the first hurdle. When I start the game it all goes down the pan though!!!
School county cup fixtures won't be on the ESFA site, they will be on their own county school FA site.

I'm a bit busy at this minute, but I'm the fixtures secretary for my school's football (and we are a big footballing school) - happy to answer any questions on ESFA, ISFA, schools county cups, schools district FAs etc.
@RefJef arent School county cups affiliated by the ESFA? I though all inter-school games have to come under (and be affiliated) by the FA/ESFA otherwise they wouldn't be able to use FA qualified officials?
Players and managers know I'm the referee because I turn up ready to play and introduce myself as the appointed referee......not some random bloke in a suit and tie with nowhere to get changed........that's what grassroots is all about........
I've got a game on the line, on Saturday for my district school FA. Appointment came from the secretary himself, not the County FA. From what I've seen of pictures on the DFA's social media theres meals etc. put on afterwards. How do I turn up to this game? It's the District Alcock Cup.
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I've got a game on the line, on Saturday for my district school FA. Appointment came from the secretary himself, not the County FA. From what I've seen of pictures on the DFA's social media theres meals etc. put on afterwards. How do I turn up to this game? It's the District Alcock Cup.
It's much easier to judge when you're on the line! When the ref makes contact with you pre-match, ask him what he'll be wearing and match it. At the very least, you won't then be the odd one out!
It's much easier to judge when you're on the line! When the ref makes contact with you pre-match, ask him what he'll be wearing and match it. At the very least, you won't then be the odd one out!
I just hope he has access to my number.. District Sec hasnt got it, and I dont know who the ref is! District Sec also hasnt replied to any of my recent emails over the last few days.
I just hope he has access to my number.. District Sec hasnt got it, and I dont know who the ref is! District Sec also hasnt replied to any of my recent emails over the last few days.
I haven't done school matches, but for every match I've ever been on the line for, the referee has made contact in some fashion beforehand.

It's important so that that they know you're aware you have a match and also it's usual for them to give you a rough amount of time to turn up pre-match and do all required checks/warm ups. If you don't think the required people have a means to get in touch with you (email is fine, although it's not a bad idea to make sure the ref has your number in case he is running late), then I think it benefits you to provide them with contact details.
As promised earlier, here is a brief summary of the structure, and some competitions, in Schools football.

The over arching organisation is ESFA: http://www.esfa.co.uk/

ESFA run a knock out cup at various age groups for schools and colleges. The rounds start of local, then end up regional, before becoming national. Early rounds will probably/may be officiated by a teacher, however as the rounds progress it becomes more likely that neutral officials will be appointed (although the home side is responsible for appointing the official.). Cards are submitted using a form that can be found somewhere on the website to ESFA and fines will be issued - through the school - to the pupil. ESFA also run some regional leagues, details of which can be found on full time (e.g. here: http://full-time.thefa.com/Index.do?league=277219506 )

ISFA http://www.isfa.org.uk/boys/41-boys/regional-tournaments is the Independent Schools FA It also runs a National knockout competition at U15 and U18 level. ISFA is more strict about play by dates and officials, although before the semi finals, it is up to the home school to source neutral officials.

Many counties will then run a School's County Cup. Here is the website for the Somerset County Cup. http://www.somersetcsfa.org.uk/index.php?page=competitions-2 Most of these games will be ref-ed by the home school. These are for any Schools in the county.

Most counties will run their own County team at U16 level, and there is a national, inter-county knock out Cup for these teams. Neutral refs will probably be appointed, the standard of these teams should be high. Then within a county there will probably be District Schools FA - e.g in Somerset we have (amongst others) Taunton District Schools FA, Yeovil District Schools FA etc., typically at U15s, and (maybe) U16 level, gathering together the best players - often not affiliated to academies - from the schools in those regions. I think these District Schools FA sides are great - run to give boys a good standard of football, for free. The standard is high, the ethic is good - if you can get yourself involved in ref-ing these sides I think you'll enjoy it.
I would definatley wear a suit, There were 3 games and 6 of us were in suits. We were really looked after well. Tea and coffe in dressing room and water a heater in the changing room, and given food vouchers to use afterwards. At county vs county the standard of football is very high
Psychology plays a big part in reffing as it does in sport and life in general. If we dress and act like a referee, or how players and clubs perceive one should dress and act, then you will be treated as such and perhaps more importantly we ourselves feel as such.

Ruck up looking like a player then the impression given is so, when was the last time you saw a pilot turn up for your summer hols flight to Spain in dayglo shorts and a beano t-shirt?
Psychology plays a big part in reffing as it does in sport and life in general. If we dress and act like a referee, or how players and clubs perceive one should dress and act, then you will be treated as such and perhaps more importantly we ourselves feel as such.

Ruck up looking like a player then the impression given is so, when was the last time you saw a pilot turn up for your summer hols flight to Spain in dayglo shorts and a beano t-shirt?
Slightly iffy example, as pilots tend to turn up in their uniform (kit), ready to go to work....
I turn up for Ryman U18s/21s games, all womens games (PL, Capital Cup, FA Cup) in jacket and tie.

Youth games I arrive already changed.
Youth games I normally wear a tracksuit and open age games as well but for anything which is of a higher level I think suit and tie looks good and gives a good impression.