Junior/Youth You're a kn0b and a pr1ck!


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
So had a game this weekend. Under 11 red v blue. Largely dull game, goal fest and reds won 8-4. Not many decisions to make, only one offside given by the red CAR that the blue manager moaned about. At which point the red CAR and manager shouted back at him. Both were on opposite sides of the pitch, so I essentially told them all to button it. Nothing too exciting.

After the game the boys line up and do three cheers for each other. I stay here for this to give the boys a clap as feel it's the right thing to do. At this point the red manager shouts to the blue manager "you're team are great but you're a kn0b and a pr1ck."

I'm in two minds as whether I should write a misconduct report. I fully understand it's not the worst language in the world. But I was aware literally everyone one of the players were there and I personally don't think 11 year old boys should have to hear language like that. Or am I just being a bit over zealous!
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A&H International
When you take into account that this is an U11 match where they're lined up to carry out a handshake in line with the RESPECT campaign and everyone is there, boys and parents then its a report all day long.....

What an idiot
How can you be both. That's the same thing?

Stupid man. Totally out if order around kids of that age. Definitely report
I love that he used both. What a sorry lack of imagination!!

Report +1
I know that you're pretty liberal where juniors are concerned, Dave, but how on earth can you be in two minds about reporting that one :eek:
I am fairly liberal with kids and if they act like adults they get treated like them. I suppose in this instance it's not the worst language I've ever heard on a football pitch which is at made me think twice, but the situation is what annoyed me most as literally having every child their carrying out their respect duties is what annoyed me.

Should say the report has gone in. Cheers for just reaffirming my initial thoughts.
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