The Ref Stop

You are the Ref moment


Well-Known Member
I had an incident today that might have appeared in You are the Ref.
Corner taken, hits goal post, bounces back to original corner taker who crosses it again. I blow for IDFK.
Cue complete bafflement all round.
I have never had this it a rare event or has it happened to others?
The Ref Stop
Rare but correct application of law, well done. I have seen a 5-4 promotion candidate miss this situation in a game
I know that an IDFK is the correct restart, but should there be a mandatory caution too? Can't remember!
General point - if someone is asking if it should be a YC, don't just ask shold it, but ask yourself "what for?" In the situation, your give a YC - how are you justifying it yourself, what code are your writing down, and how are you selling it to the players.

In most cases, this answers the question for yourself - you can not find a reason why it should be / shouldn't be.

So @Owen Webster to ask the Q - if you are there and wanting to give a YC, on what code?
I have had exact same scenario you had. After ball hit post and came back towards corner taker I immediately thought I bet he doesn't know he can't touch it again. As soon as he controlled ball I blew and explained why. Nobody seemed to understand that this was foul. Eventually after much questioning the coach of the attacking team piped up.'I think the ref might be correct lads'.
General point - if someone is asking if it should be a YC, don't just ask shold it, but ask yourself "what for?" In the situation, your give a YC - how are you justifying it yourself, what code are your writing down, and how are you selling it to the players.

In most cases, this answers the question for yourself - you can not find a reason why it should be / shouldn't be.

So @Owen Webster to ask the Q - if you are there and wanting to give a YC, on what code?

I didn't expect it to be a yellow really anyway and wouldn't give one unless I was 100% sure. I was asking literally just to find out and, as I thought, it's not a yellow in the LOTG. USB would be the only possible code I guess but not that it matters since it ain't a yc!
I'm going to assume nobody was bothered because 10 years olds generally haven't read the Laws of the Game and considered potential scenarios arising from the text.
You were the referee weren't you?
Happened to me once, player started to complain when I blew for f/k, amazingly his manager knew the law and told him I was correct!
Don't worry @HullRef, at level 8 you've still got loads to learn !
I remember my first season I was giving offsides when the player was playing it behind him and all sorts ! at least no-one noticed yours...

To be honest it's one of those moments in a game whereby when you see it you might miss it at first, nobody appeals or says anything. Then 10 mins later realise that you've fudged up.