Both reds cards, but, as much as confidence and authority is to be admired, I do not like his red card technique, its brazen, brash and (although you are entitled to argue a player guilty of SFP maybe does not deserve much), shows no respect to the player, esp the 2nd one, he seems to have card in air well out of camera shot because when he arrives on the scene its already up in the air, we can tell the player who made the tackle is being sent off but the card could easy be mistaken for being shown to number 9.......who then gets a YC flashed in his face for dissent, hardly likely to calm him down, throw a card up in someones face like that in your Sunday League game and you can easily enrage the player further, I feel a message goes with a dissent card, something like "you cant speak to me/handle me/get on my case/act like that/whatever is apt, and tell them if it continues then you are risking further sanction. AR seemed a bit static too, he should have been on his toes, alert to confrontation and proactive, rather than standing still with flag up.