Would this bother you ?


Active Member
This was something very minor that cropped up in my game yesterday. The home team manager had put white cones down to mark out the 10 yards from the corner flag because "his team were guna take lots of short coners today and didn't want the team encroaching". I didn't do anything about it at the time because I simply wasn't sure if there was anything I could do...

The away players and coach didn't seem bothered and respected the required distance marked by the cones. So in essence it made my life easier but I just wanted to check if this is fair/correct ?
A&H International
Nothing to stop him marking it out with paint (or whatever it is teams use to mark the pitch these days) if he is that keen. LOTG allow it as an optional marking.

I will usually pace out the distance from touchline to edge of penalty area myself during my prematch walk about to have an idea of where players need to retreat to at corners, but if he wants to help by putting cones out? Not in anyone's way or likely to interfere with he game? Cheers!
Yeah that's what I thought I was just worried if it ever happened again and the other coach kicked up a stink about it I wouldn't know what to about it.
But yeah it worked out quite well in the end... They only did 1 short coner too so it was a waste of time
As long as it's some distance from the goal line I can't see that it's a problem. I'd consider checking the distance to make sure he isn't trying anything...
I watched him mark one corner out with cones and he counted the distance so I felt pretty safe in the knowledge that he was being fair.
I can just see it next week though, either he, or the away manager will do it and someone will get chewy about it and it'll cause high tensions :-/... But, aslong as it isn't on my watch !
If this happened again and you wasn't happy with the markings I'd suggest its your call where you allow a defending player to stand at a corner.
I'd be more than happy next time allowing him to mark out the ten yards from the corner flag - and then ignoring the markings as they would be illegal as they would actually need to be ten yards from the corner arc - not the actual flag ;)