The Ref Stop



Active Member
Aloha guys, funny but yet the same old ****. Ran a JV boys game in the middle. This is U16 High School ball. Good game until late. A penalty in the box on Blue, very obvious and unfortunate. The player is insured. This is a blow out game for attacking team and I would not have given PK even though it was an obvious one. This is a hostile environment and I would have spoken to coaches and the player that I would have given it in a close game but to not create more hostility I would have given it. But I awarded it. This was a blowout game with losing team fans already getting out of hand early with no security in site nor athletic directors. A fan I know who has been giving us grief all year decides to engage me loudly for a while. He keeps it up and I tell the coach that If he does not shut the **** up I will forfeit this match. These guys out west are a piece of work to say the least. I end the game. Blue player mocks me repeatedly about my skills as a referee, I show him the red.

After match im outside our referee room, a fan who is the one who has been blasting us asks for a word which turns out to be all his words. He's going on and on about why I am picking on their team and their fans. I finally am able to answer that I do not tolerate any dissent from anyone anywhere. He is not aggressive or close but needless to say in the long run he has decided to tell me I am the worst referee on the planet and his kids know it. I'm ok with the idiot's comment, what I am not ok with is the time he took out of his evening to do this. He tells me he's a teacher and then I inform him that if he's the one teaching all of this disrespect that you are the worst teacher in the universe. After whistle, a blue player gets a red for utterly mocking me in total disrespect in my face.
The Ref Stop
Is this the only time a referee awards a pen with a question......

Blows whistle.... Points to the spot and shouts.....‘Penalty, Waikiki??‘ 👍

You do seem to have an active bunch on such a small island, well done on protecting your reputation to say what you see and have the cahoonas to give something despite what followed! 👍
Hey thanks Shef, I really appreciate the feedback. Now I am on the admin side of things. Listen to this ****. I am the ref admin and assignor on this rock. I was told that this past fall season every referee that made over 600 dollars will now be taxed 33% on that money. Its a handful of referes but its still ****ed to do this just now and to tax the refs low pay already.

As of now, if I run a U16 game, the pay is 28USD. MInus 33%. So I will make 19 USD to ref that game. What a mess and I have a feeling we here on this tiny little rock may revolt.
Shef from now on I will have to keep it on the down low but I would love to touch base with you outside of this site through email
You should always be upfront and pay whatever tax is owing. 🤫 Seems quite high though, I thought the USA was a low tax regime??

Happy to talk over PM.
Hey thanks Shef, I really appreciate the feedback. Now I am on the admin side of things. Listen to this ****. I am the ref admin and assignor on this rock. I was told that this past fall season every referee that made over 600 dollars will now be taxed 33% on that money. Its a handful of referes but its still ****ed to do this just now and to tax the refs low pay already.

As of now, if I run a U16 game, the pay is 28USD. MInus 33%. So I will make 19 USD to ref that game. What a mess and I have a feeling we here on this tiny little rock may revolt.

You could change your name to Amazon and set your home address as the UK
This one is really an odd one here and most of you city slickers may need help to wrap your head around it, or maybe not. I spoke to my assignor today because I still had the game sheets and sent him a brief email about the match. I told him I needed to talk to him on the phone. I told him what happened and what I was going to do about it. You gotta realize we live on such a small rock and everyone knows everyone. I was not going to give up the names of anyone nor was I going to file a game report. A lot of you may not see our logic, but this is Kauai, westernmost island in Hawaii and we truly are the wild wild west. This offender, the fan, is very prominent here, and is like us, does a ton of service work. Don't get me wrong we are going to politely rip him a new asshole. My assignor has known him for 30 years and was shocked to hear. Nothing shocks me anymore. Last spring my assignor tossed my mentor and his son in law from a game, he was the admin here for 20 years. Tossed em both. Nothing shocks me. I don't want anything else to come of this and my name to get out there. His kid will play spring soccer which I am in charge of and before that the three of us will have a sit-down. There has been so much stuff going on here lately that I feel since we are such a tight-knit community and I was actually rattled pretty good by the incident I would rather move on than carry this out further.

I really appreciate your guys time, after I spoke to my fellow referee I felt so much better, that is why we are a team. Mahalo
To be clear on the first post. The Kona Wheat Ale got me while I was typing. I would have not given that penalty but because the player I did. I would have explained to them why in a blow out game and we all just wanted to get out of there. And after the game was when I threw the red for being an idiot.
One question, How can you claim to be the worst referee on the planet when their are many equally rubbish referees on here, we all get told occasionally that we are ****, I looked it as a term of endearment, It meant I was impacting on their naughtiness!!!
If you actually told somebody to shut the **** up, I'm afraid the loss of match control is your own doing
Horses for courses, common here for Sunday league.
Genuinely? I find that incredible. Do that down here and we'll be getting complaints left right and centre. I don't understand how respect can be gained by talking to people in that manner
Genuinely? I find that incredible. Do that down here and we'll be getting complaints left right and centre. I don't understand how respect can be gained by talking to people in that manner

I am being serious. Tit for tat, like for like, no way condoning it but even the coaches prefer it to school boy lectures and being sent away from park with game held up in pissing rain with players begging you to just get on with the game
What would the complaint be?

Coach, "ff ffffffff ffffff ffff fffffffffff ffff fffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffff"
Ref "mate, STFU"
Coach " you cant say that to me! """....

horses for courses.
I agree with @QuaverRef - always maintain the moral high ground. @IslandReferee if someone is having a pop at you like that, after the game, let it wash over you and reply back when they are finished with something like "thank you for your comments, I'll be sure to note them down" or similar (if that isn't going to inflame the situation, otherwise say nothing). Then submit a report to whoever is responsible for misconduct management for your association for failing to control spectators or similar. Having a go back will just enforce the cycle, when what these people tend to take notice of is financial penalties and being barred from grounds.
Sometimes, albeit hopefully rarely, you need to adapt to the situation you are in. Nothing is paint by numbers
Sometimes ignorance is best, sometimes firm, sometimes quiet word, sometimes shout sometimes point, sometimes use someone else as an example, sometimes let the AR talk, sometimes the 4th, sometimes go back for that extra warning that you promised you would not, and, sometimes, if a wee f word sneaks out, then, that's how your digestive melted that day.
There are characters out there who will only be responsive to being spoken to in a manner which THEY understand, and afterall, that's what a warning should be, we cant be constant in delivering our message, what might work for one, wont work for another, the key is to deliver the message suitably to the intended target.
100 game, lets say once it happens. So be it
Just never say never. it might just, on that day, be the tool you were searching for.
Genuinely? I find that incredible. Do that down here and we'll be getting complaints left right and centre. I don't understand how respect can be gained by talking to people in that manner

Agreed. There was already an investigation launched pretty much immediately down here because a referee swore at players during a match and (as if it needed to be said) referees were advised not to behave like players...

This is a blow out game for attacking team and I would not have given PK even though it was an obvious one.

I'm confused by that in particular... Is that not an outright admission that you're willing to pick and choose what laws to apply; I've no idea why you'd turn down an obvious penalty just cos... I'm aware you've given it for whatever 'other' reason, but why would this even be in question anyway?
I have never sworn at a player, but I have sworn when talking to players etc.

I try not to, but sometimes it just slips out, I swear like a trooper normally so my language on the football pitch is quite restrained in comparison.

I would never condone swearing at a player, but Miley has a point. Some players will be more receptive if we were able to speak to them in a manner they might be more used to.

I've run the line for some of the young rising stars, and their interaction with players always seemed quite rigid and forced.

Where as in my experience being more relaxed and natural when talking to players seems to get better results.
My language in OA games can be on the industrial side. It's a balancing act between speaking in football language without ever directing anything at anyone.
We can't possibly relate to refereeing the mid-Pacific
I am being serious. Tit for tat, like for like, no way condoning it but even the coaches prefer it to school boy lectures and being sent away from park with game held up in pissing rain with players begging you to just get on with the game
What would the complaint be?

Coach, "ff ffffffff ffffff ffff fffffffffff ffff fffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffff"
Ref "mate, STFU"
Coach " you cant say that to me! """....

horses for courses.
This is probably part of the issue at the higher levels. Not saying that you’re wrong, but if I went and refereed up in your league and vice versa, these different approaches could cause a struggle as it’s not what players are used to.

Premier league striker shouting at a referee, down south it’s a booking, up north they are told to shut the **** up. There’s a problem there for me (again, I’m not say who’s right and wrong, just making a point)