Open Age Worst decision you've ever made

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
I made my worst decision today in the supply league I line on I gave a penalty when the player made a superb tackle So what has been your worst decision
A&H International
Might seem silly, but if you know it was an incorrect decision, couldn't you have called referee over, explain you feel you were too quick with the flag and ask him to overturn it? Integrity and all that jazz.

Personally I don't think ive had a worst decision, maybe a few though that cost me match control with little way to rectify it, including red carding a guy and then chaos from his team flying into tackles.
The problem was that the referee went with me instead of shaking it off it was not until in changing room that I got told by the referee
In that case I don't think you made a bad decision, the referee did. You have a different angle egc. He is the main decision maker. It happened with celtic, the referee apparently seen a HB, AAR said no and referee went with AAR and it was wrong. Now they are all getting stick.
But I learned a few things from today anyway

1. To delay my flag
2. Look at referee before making that decision
But I learned a few things from today anyway

1. To delay my flag
2. Look at referee before making that decision
Depends what your pre match instructions were Craig ? if the referee has instructed you take control of your area of credibility then its just a judgement mistake by you ! if you thought it was a pen then it would still be a pen 5 seconds later :p
Craig: that isn't your problem. The referee has the final say on all decision. I have been overruled as an AR on a penalty decision, and overruled an AR on one too. Yesterday, I was an AR on a match and flagged for a foul. Referee came over, I told him IMO it was a red card for DOGSO. Referee said that there was a covering defender the other side, went with a yellow.

End of the day, the referee should have overruled you - or at least had the conversation 'I thpught he got the ball, are you 110% sure?' 'No' 'OK, no penalty.'

Don't beat yourself up over another's error
Funnily enough had one yesterday as well. Attacker runs through 1 on 1, keeper makes a challenge just outside the box. I was in line with the challenge and thought the keeper got a foot on the ball. The reaction after the ref Sent the keeper off for DOGSO proved me very wrong :) (no complaints from anyone on the pitch)

I Almost ran there too quickly, made the angle non optimal (looking directly across). The refs angle meant he saw the ball was not touched, but the player was.

Just as well he took the decision without my input!!
I, once upon a time, blew for offside then realised I was wrong and shouted play on... Chaos ensued as you can expect, and the attacking team scored

When the dust settled, my club marks reflected my shoe size !... I still can't get over it to this day !