The Ref Stop

World Cup VAR

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My God as if this VAR couldn’t get any worse it’s now changing the way Lino’s run the line, the brief to Lino’s before the World Cup is UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU FLAG FOR A TIGHT OFFSIDE!! YOU LEAVE IT TO VAR!!!

wtf is that even legal if that’s not going against the good of the game I don’t know what is.
The Ref Stop
My God as if this VAR couldn’t get any worse it’s now changing the way Lino’s run the line, the brief to Lino’s before the World Cup is UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU FLAG FOR A TIGHT OFFSIDE!! YOU LEAVE IT TO VAR!!!

wtf is that even legal if that’s not going against the good of the game I don’t know what is.

What a shock. MiB takes a quote from Collina and blows it out of proportion.
What a shock. MiB takes a quote from Collina and blows it out of proportion.

So your all for Lino’s running the line but the nitty gritty the whole reason they mastered there trade the whole point of having a team of three on the pitch your quite happy for it all to be taken away from them & handed to a bod & computer thousands of miles away.

So it’s come to Lino’s not flagging for offside, this is getting more and more farsical by the day.

Let’s see a football match where every 50/50 tight call for offside never see’s a flag then let the chaos begin.

Is this actually happening or is it a wind up.
The quote from Collina was "They were told to keep the flag down when there is a tight offside incident and there could be a very promising attack or a goal-scoring opportunity because if the assistant referee raises the flag then everything is finished,"

Which you of course twisted to be "under no circumstances do you flag for a tight offside decision" because you are trolling and/or are blinded for your hatred of the VAR system.

What Collina is referring to is delaying the flag for a second or two in a situation where there is a promising attack. Here are two video examples of that from MLS.

Also, quit calling them linos. This isn't the 1980s.
The quote from Collina was "They were told to keep the flag down when there is a tight offside incident and there could be a very promising attack or a goal-scoring opportunity because if the assistant referee raises the flag then everything is finished,"

Which you of course twisted to be "under no circumstances do you flag for a tight offside decision" because you are trolling and/or are blinded for your hatred of the VAR system.

What Collina is referring to is delaying the flag for a second or two in a situation where there is a promising attack. Here are two video examples of that from MLS.

Also, quit calling them linos. This isn't the 1980s.

So if he keeps the flag down & the attacker doesn’t score, the ball then gets cleared by defence, ball gets knocked about a bit & ends up in the box GOAL..

So what then bring it all the way back for offside check?

It’s ridiculous that Lino’s can’t flag for tight calls in the World Cup, ridiculous.

I won’t say another word on it.

P.s to all aspiring Lino’s... train and work all your life one day just one day when you reach the top they’ll allow a computer to make the decisions for you!
Lets all just chill and enjoy the footie. If and when there is VAR issues lets discuss it then. Theres no point in getting riled already as nothing has happened yet. Lets see what happens and then have the discussion. You never know MIB you might be converted by the final or you might not but its here so lets look at it objectively as it happens.
Lets all just chill and enjoy the footie. If and when there is VAR issues lets discuss it then. Theres no point in getting riled already as nothing has happened yet. Lets see what happens and then have the discussion. You never know MIB you might be converted by the final or you might not but its here so lets look at it objectively as it happens.

You know what I’m like Tino getting my knickers in a twist, just can’t believe Lino’s have been told not to flag I’m gobsmacked tbh.

Anyway good advice Tino let’s just enjoy it and see what happens, I’m gonna lay off the board for a while & watch this VAR with interest.
You know what I’m like Tino getting my knickers in a twist, just can’t believe Lino’s have been told not to flag I’m gobsmacked tbh.

Anyway good advice Tino let’s just enjoy it and see what happens, I’m gonna lay off the board for a while & watch this VAR with interest.

They've been told to "delay the flag" not "don't flag". There's a huge difference.
So if he keeps the flag down & the attacker doesn’t score, the ball then gets cleared by defence, ball gets knocked about a bit & ends up in the box GOAL..

So what then bring it all the way back for offside check?

It’s ridiculous that Lino’s can’t flag for tight calls in the World Cup, ridiculous.

I won’t say another word on it.

P.s to all aspiring Lino’s... train and work all your life one day just one day when you reach the top they’ll allow a computer to make the decisions for you!

Think about it logically rather than flying off the handle and having a rant. There are lots of calls that assistants make where they know at the time was incredibly tight, and to some extent are guessing. If they flag on those the referee will blow and the attack will break down and could potentially deny a goal incorrectly. With VAR if they hold the flag they can just say to the referee over the comms that they are worried and he can allow play to continue. If the attack breaks down then no damage caused and not a lot different to playing advantage from an offside. If a goal is scored they can then review the replay.

Makes complete sense to me, and I believe this instruction was given to SG1 assistants in the VAR trials in England last season.
How far can they go back to check offside? Seems like a sensible instruction until you think of the consequences. Tight offside not given, it goes for a corner, goal scored etc.
Let's be honest the assistants are going to rely on the technology, it's human nature, and keep the flag down unless players are a yard off.

Potential collision on a tight one? Are they going to flag then?
How far can they go back to check offside? Seems like a sensible instruction until you think of the consequences. Tight offside not given, it goes for a corner, goal scored etc.
Let's be honest the assistants are going to rely on the technology, it's human nature, and keep the flag down unless players are a yard off.

Potential collision on a tight one? Are they going to flag then?

If a PK or goal is scored then they can check for any offense (foul or offside) in the attacking phase of play that led up to the PK or goal. That basically means back to when the attacking team gain control of the ball that led to the PK or goal.
No they’ve been told not to flag on tight calls.

You're basing that off of a one sentence quote during a press conference. They've been instructed to delay the flag during a goal scoring opportunity or a promising attack. The link I posted above shows two examples of the VAR delay from MLS including one from a Canadian AR who is at the World Cup. If the AR is 100% sure that the player committed an offside offense then they will flag them offside after a short delay. If they are not 100% sure they were offside, then they shouldn't be raising the flag period.
Think about it logically rather than flying off the handle and having a rant. There are lots of calls that assistants make where they know at the time was incredibly tight, and to some extent are guessing. If they flag on those the referee will blow and the attack will break down and could potentially deny a goal incorrectly. With VAR if they hold the flag they can just say to the referee over the comms that they are worried and he can allow play to continue. If the attack breaks down then no damage caused and not a lot different to playing advantage from an offside. If a goal is scored they can then review the replay.

Makes complete sense to me, and I believe this instruction was given to SG1 assistants in the VAR trials in England last season.

But how long is the cut off after you keep the flag down, by not flagging your changing the course of play.

So say you keep the flag down & 10 seconds later a goal is scored are we checking that original close offside call that half the stadium & whole back four screamed for.

Can you imagine a Spain back four sticking there arm up Ramos Pique etc for offside the Lino keeps it down & then 10-15 sec’s later after the ball is cleared the opposition score.

Ramos & co will go mental, both the players and officials need to be clear how long the cut off is before VAR & any offside prior to a goal being scored is deemed dead.
So say you keep the flag down & 10 seconds later a goal is scored are we checking that original close offside call that half the stadium & whole back four screamed for.

If the attacking team kept the ball for that entire 10 seconds then yes. This is nothing new and it's been apart of the VAR protocol the entire time.

Can you imagine a Spain back four sticking there arm up Ramos Pique etc for offside the Lino keeps it down & then 10-15 sec’s later after the ball is cleared the opposition score.

Ramos & co will go mental, both the players and officials need to be clear how long the cut off is before VAR & any offside prior to a goal being scored is deemed dead.

In that case the goal would count since the ball was cleared and the new attacking phase of play started.

None of this is new information. The "attacking phase of play" or "attacking phase possession" standard has been used the entire time. If you actually want to learn about it then you can read about it on pages 21 and 22 here.
You're basing that off of a one sentence quote during a press conference. They've been instructed to delay the flag during a goal scoring opportunity or a promising attack. The link I posted above shows two examples of the VAR delay from MLS including one from a Canadian AR who is at the World Cup. If the AR is 100% sure that the player committed an offside offense then they will flag them offside after a short delay. If they are not 100% sure they were offside, then they shouldn't be raising the flag period.

I’m only going by what he said mate & that was don’t flag on tight calls, just doesn’t sit right with me & like I said to Rusty I hope the players know the cut off from when VAR is no longer an option.

I can just see players crowding around a ref now doing the video signal with there fingers saying that 20 secs ago they should have had an offside how can this goal stand.

The whole point of the offside call is it kills the game dead & we can re start without any grievances there after, that’s what the best Lino’s in the business are there to do right.

I’m confused as to why you can’t check for offside after the goal is scored & if the Lino flags for offside & it’s stops the game dead then so be it if he’s wrong then he’s wrong that’s life.

Start with Lino’s not being aloud to raise flags then where will the game be in 10yrs, I dread to think.
If u play on with no flag the ball gets cleared & a team score from a new phase of play that is totally unfair.

It’s totally unfair as the original attack could have been clearly offside on replay, the correct restart should have been idfk to defence & yet your allowing attackers another crack of the whip and bang they score. How on earth can that be fair on the defence.
It was a one sentence quote during a 90 minute press conference. Collina wasn't going to take 5 minutes to give an in depth discussion on the nuances of delaying the flag.

If you are actually interested in learning more, then read about it from the organization that Howard Webb leads. It's been more open about VAR inside information than any other group in the World.

This is concrete information straight from the league that's running VAR. You can actually read about what the expectations are for ARs and learn a whole lot more than you can from a single sentence quote.
Fair enough thanks for taking the time to post the links.

I read Collina’s comments on BBC website..

"If you see some assistant referee not raising the flag it's not because he's making mistakes," said Collina.

"It's because he's respected the instruction to keep the flag down."

Black & white for me what he said, Anyway I’m beginning to come accross as the resident nut job so let’s just chill a see how it all unfolds.

Once again cheers for the links I’ll be reading those & watching the clips u posted.