The Ref Stop

World Cup of Ignorant Commentators

The Ref Stop
Yesterday think it was, the commentator was fuming that a card was not given for a pull on the shirt/arm - "that's an automatic yellow card"

I'd love to give them a copy of the LOTG and just say, "show me where it says that."
I just watch the game without subtitles thesedays. I just get annoyed if I see what the commentators say.
Same ignorance in the US. These guys hurt the game by spreading this nonsense. Even though our broadcast have a forner FIFA match commissioner to comment on the refereeing and explain decisions. Then the gives proper analysis/perspective followed by minutes worth of former players disregarding what he explained and discrediting the decision. This affects all levels by spreading the belief that referees are always wrong. I would like to have the stuffed shirt former players/coaches who are still jaded by decisions they disagreed with back in the day have to SHUT THEIR MOUTHS after a decision has been explained by someone who actually was a referee and knows the LOTG! Makes me crazy
We are fortunate here in Canada -- when there are VAR decisions (and occasionally rather unusual referee decisions), the network here has Howard Webb explaining things. He's very well spoken, and explains things in a mix of proper Law and colloquial terms, and compares it to the North American professional league and how they use VAR, what's different, what's the same, etc.
Can't find the commentary but South Africa v Mexico 2010 World Cup - keeper becomes second last man, attackers score, rightly given offside - commentators rave about how it can't be offside because there's still one man to go, not knowing the keeper counts too. Rubbish.

Also commentators ALL the time come out with "oh that's an automatic yellow", without really knowing why
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Look who it is again... Lawrenson

Japan keeper makes a save on the line and he goes "won't they check that"
Also commentators ALL the time come out with "oh that's an automatic yellow", without really knowing why
To be fair though, when they say that, they don't actually mean, "That's a mandatory caution according to the Laws of the Game," what they usually mean is that it's a challenge that would have been a nailed-on yellow card every day of the week in almost any other competition. And on many occasions that they've made that kind of comment, I've found myself agreeing.
What gets me is when they quote law numbers to make themselves more credible and then the say something rubish.

In the Aus v Pru game we had one of our commentator said "he gained positional advantage by being there. Law 11 says if you gain an advantage you are offside"
Pretty sure the Son penalty claim was referred to as: "That's a foul, that's obstruction." :drown:
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