Witnessing another ref "not sending them in"

@SM I don't believe it has anything to do with loyalty. Wouldn't you be annoyed if a fellow referee went to your RDO and told them something bad about you?
I've said what I think, personally we have a hard enough time with players/teams/secretaries trying to make us look bad, let's not add fellow referees to that list. Stick together, a quiet word in the ear of the referee that day would have been better than approaching RDO.
You kind of contradict yourself there by saying it is nothing to do with loyalty, yet use phrases like stick together. ;)

I do see your point and a referee making a glaring balls up during a game, a law based mistake or something of that nature - I'm with you 100%. That's a quiet word, goes no further. Say no more.

Deliberately not sending in cards? Don't expect any sticking together. This is a deliberate LWRs act, not a mistake. Whether or not the OP should be reporting it is perhaps not black and white, but if he is reported then good. Do your job properly like the rest of us do.

Then of course there is the player angle. A player who gets to avoid a ban through cards not getting sent in, plays in games when he should be ineligible, potentially cheats every team in the league.
A&H International
@deusex don't get me wrong, I understand exactly where you are coming from and the reasons you'd do it. I just don't really think it's your place to do so that's all.

I can only talk for myself and what I'd do in that situation; I personally would have gone up to this ref and explained the reason that he should send the cards in. Get him thinking about it. You are very unlikely to annoy him by pointing the facts out (if he's got anything about him he won't be annoyed), he may even learn a thing or two. Like I've said, you need to do what you feel is right. :)

@SM I completely agree with you and deusex. I'm just saying how I personally would have approached the situation, I certainly wouldn't expect everyone to walk the same path as I.
There could even be a halfway house where step one is to talk to the guy face to face, gently point out the error of his ways and the problems he causes for fellow referees and then see how he reacts. If he 'gets it' and you're confident he'll report the cards properly in future then all good, job done. If he's an ar*e about it, then step two might be to report him to your heart's content :)
There could even be a halfway house where step one is to talk to the guy face to face, gently point out the error of his ways and the problems he causes for fellow referees and then see how he reacts. If he 'gets it' and you're confident he'll report the cards properly in future then all good, job done. If he's an ar*e about it, then step two might be to report him to your heart's content :)

Which is pretty much what I said on the first page of this thread. Proactive intervention. Why not let him know you know, you know? :confused:
Because if you let him know that you know, then he knows that you know, if he knows that you know that he knows, then you know he knows that you know, y'know? :foot: