Wholegame.thefa help part2


I used the wholegame system to report 2 cautions from my game last week. Had a letter of "acknowledgement of disciplinary reports received between 28/11/2014 and 04/12/14" arrive today listing the details of the cautions and my details. What has confused is that they also sent with it a blank "caution misconduct report form for 11v11 football" that we would normally use before the wholegame system. Do I need to do anything else? Or is the wholegame report the end of it?
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A&H International
Reviving an old thread to save making a new one................

I used the wholegame system to report 2 cautions from my game last week. Had a letter of "acknowledgement of disciplinary reports received between 28/11/2014 and 04/12/14" arrive today listing the details of the cautions and my details. What has confused is that they also sent with it a blank "caution misconduct report form for 11v11 football" that we would normally use before the wholegame system. Do I need to do anything else? Or is the wholegame report the end of it?

That baffled me too at first. No, though, I believe the online report will suffice and the form they sent you is just for the future in case you decide to use it for some strange reason.
That's what I thought. Seems very strange. I know you used to get blank forms back to replace the ones you had sent in. Just put in todays dismissal report, so will soon find out!
I suspect, like many things involving county FAs this is simply a process they haven't updated to account for the changes to how it is administered. They've probably always sent the acknowledgment with a copy and haven't thought about it.
We've been told down ere that we're all on a last warning as some are doing WG AND putting in the paperwork, so suming up, WG is the end. I send results with the tag line that "discipline sent via the FA Whole Game System", that way they know there was some, and were to find it - should it not be there they can come back to me.

Som e CFA are more on the ball than others for a myriad of reasons, but still.

And as from 26th Jan it will be the ONLY way the London can submit discipline.

Dear Referee

Just a quick update on things that are happening within the London FA.

Discipline report writing will soon be all done on the Whole Game System this is coming in to force on Monday 26th January 2015 as from this date all Cautions and Dismissals & Misconduct should be done through the Whole Game System.

Teams that are missing from the Whole Game system can now be entered by the referee.

Cup competitions that were not on the Whole Game System should now be available ...."