The Ref Stop

Whole Game input error


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Evening all,

Not sure what to do, so I've come here!

I've just submitted my whole game report from my match today and as soon as I clicked submit, I realised I had put the wrong player down.
The team and player number are correct, but I stupidly put the wrong player name - i've put an away team player.

Other than emailing my league contact explaining, is there anything else I can do.

First caution in the business for me as a newbie, so lesson learnt.

Thanks as always.
The Ref Stop
Evening all,

Not sure what to do, so I've come here!

I've just submitted my whole game report from my match today and as soon as I clicked submit, I realised I had put the wrong player down.
The team and player number are correct, but I stupidly put the wrong player name - i've put an away team player.

Other than emailing my league contact explaining, is there anything else I can do.

First caution in the business for me as a newbie, so lesson learnt.

Thanks as always.
Need to email the discipline department at your county FA as they deal with discipline matters. Sometimes they are called football services.