The Ref Stop

Junior/Youth When asked how much time ref , how do you respond?

Chris Crowe

New Member
I am regularly being asked the question from Players and Managers, How much time Ref? my response is usually along the lines of "how much do you want it to be" or "how long is a piece of string" any one have any comments as to what they do?
The Ref Stop
Tell them the number of minutes left then tell them I have some to add on as well. Being sarcastic wins you no friends (as I have found to my cost in the past)
I concur if they ask tell them ... if you get asked 5 times in the same minute though ? that's a good time for sarcasm ..
Ditto, if it's a lull in play I'll tell them the remaining time, plus the token "plus injury time" added on.
I think this an opportunity to show you're human - albeit with the caveat that Brian (above) is right

I'll happily tell a team that is hanging on for a win / draw that there is far more than there is actually left just to see their faces - and then quickly tell them the actual time

I'll happily say to a player who says (jokingly) they'll give me £10 to knock 5 minutes that I'll knock 10 minutes off if they give me £20

Generally as a personal rule I will also tell people how long is left INCLUDING any additional time I have, sometimes breaking it down for them (90 + additional) if the amount of time left is a critical factor in the game
I find "F**k off I'm not big Ben, T*sser" Is always a good ice breaker

In seriousness though, just tell them how long. Making comments like that in the OP is just plain silly
My best was when a u10s coach asked me tell him when 15 mins had gone, I thought this was a bit ridiculous so I replied "6 minutes from now so start your watch" as I ran past. The other coach was rolling on the floor!
I once had a manager who had his stop watch out and would continually announce loudly how long was left as if he was doing me a favour. "8minutes gone ref" and stuff like that. It was weird. He was really alright apart from that. Was strange more than annoying.
I often let them know how much we've played.

If asked again within a minute or two by someone in earshot of the last inquiry, I'll often come back with something like "a minute or two more than we'd played when I answered a minute or two ago."
I once had a manger complain at half time that the ball had only been in play for 18 mins and 20 seconds (20 minute halves) to which I replied "count yourself lucky, in France 98 the ball only averaged being in play for 60 minutes a match" he looked confused as to how I knew that :)
I just tell them. It's a simple enough question that has a simple enough answer. don't see the point in trying to be clever and making it, potentially, more difficult for me
I just tell them.Start trying to be funny or have banter with them over something so simple and it will cause a host of other issues. They'll think they can have the same banter over all manner of simple decisions.

If they ask respectfully, tell them respectfully. Simples :D
What bugs me is, they have a phone in their bag/pocket which they can keep track of time with rather than constantly asking me, requiring me to take my eyes off the game. In the same way that they don't always agree with the ref decisions they can disagree with time but why nothave ttheir own point of reference! It's just lazy!
Sorry @RegalRef I was talking about coaches on the touchline. If a player asks then I'll usually tell them unless it's a bit of a frantic moment.
Why bother farting around with "XX mins plus injury"
One watch is stopped when required, I quote them them the WHOLE MINUTES left as "all in" so if my watch shows 41:30 it's "3 mins all in".
When the watch shows 44:00+ I say "last minute".
And don't be one of those referees that makes the keeper go and fetch the ball from 40 yards to take a goal kick and then blow up in mid air. If the times expires as the ball fired over the bar blow up then. Just because the TV refs do it (god knows why) doesn't mean we have to be *rses as well.
Unless of course you fell like dissent is likely on its way and want to get in a position less likely to encourage players to do so.