The Ref Stop

What's the weather like chaps?


RefChat Addict
Level 3 Referee
I had a double-header today, P-P thanks to rain this morning. I checked online and about 85-90% of the fixture list is washed out.

Haven't had a game since the 27th. Got two assigned this mid-week but I bet that'll be a wash-out too the way things are going. :(

I can't handle this stop-start season, it is really ruining my rhythm. :( Time to make an appointment with the gym so I can keep my fitness levels up. How's everyone else's fixtures going? Weather being kind I hope?
The Ref Stop
I was in 35 degrees on Wednesday.
3.5 degrees today for my first game of the season.
I kid you not. Gloves, tights. All good.
I've lost 9 games this winter to the weather. Suspect that's a very average number
You must be quite far north. 16C down south ;)

Down in South Wales. :)

I've actually refereed more games than some teams have even played this season. And I started late and missed two months myself for other reasons. :P

It's just been constant rain down here, the poor ground hasn't had a chance to stop being a swimming pool.
29 degrees today for two centres an a line. Will be 30 degrees tomorrow for a centre and a line. Sunscreen cream has been my best friend for the last few weeks but it won't last long as we are heading for winter.
I lost about 4 games due to the weather, and I’ve lost another 3 or so due to cup fixtures getting rescheduled