What would you do?


the voice of reason
Level 7 Referee
Reds v Blues, U13 County Cup Quarter Final

end of first half of extra time, reds score to make it 3-2

all four Red subs run over halfway across the pitch to join in the celebrations with their team-mates.

i tell the Reds manager , pleasantly, that on another day I would have booked all four of them. i have a word with the subs, explain that they can't run on to the pitch and tell them that that is why players sometimes celebrate with 'the bench' outside the touchline.

second half of extra time, blues equalise three minutes in and then reds score what proves to be the winner with 4 minutes to go

all four Reds subs again run halfway across the pitch to celebrate with their team-mates

i know what i did, what would you do?
A&H International
Think you've gota book them all.
You explained that they can't come on and the haven't listening to you. Make them look the fool not you.
Book them. You have already told not to yet they do it again.

Defiantly show all 4 a yellow.
Yep same here book them all. You did the right thing warning them the first time because they probably didn't know that they can't EFOP but when they do it a second time that is just taking the p*ss.

Did you caution all 4 of them by the way?
good question, jertzee

as i wandered over towards the four subs, after they'd returned pitch side, wallet in hand, i made eye contact with the manager, indicated the four lads with a nod of my head and gave him a wry smile. He gave me a wry smile back and a little nod of his head.

after the game, a woman came up to me. i'm guessing that she was the club treasurer or secretary tho i didn't enquire

she said ' i hope your not putting those bookings through the system'

i told her that i was

she then said that she hoped that i was doing the same for the other team 'because their manager had come on to the pitch when they scored'.

i said i hadn't seen anyone from the opposition on the pitch who should't have been there and that i had spoken to the boys about not coming on to the pitch after the first time. hence the bookings second time around

she walked away
i hope your not putting those bookings through the system'

One of the most annoying/stupid questions. Why would you go to the effort of the caution if your not going to put it through? Plus you never know whos watching, maybe from the league or local FA.

Ive reported clubs before for asking me not to "put the paper work in"