What would you do with this.......


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Pitches up our way were closed this weekend so I was asked to do a in house friendly on an all weather.

Anyway Reds vs Green and ball goes out for a throw to reds level with the edge of their own penalty area.

Being sporting the Green who it came off, followed the ball to retrieve it and threw it to red on his way back to the pitch.

Just as he's getting to the touchline and back on the pitch, red starts motion to throw it back to his centre half.

Green player enters pitch dead on the throw being taken and intercepts the ball, crossing for the striker to find the net.

So fella's what would you have done?

I'll give you a short list to ponder:-

1) Goal stands as the defender should have been more observant.

2) Re-take of the throw.

3) IDFK at the point where Red became active.

4) Your own interpretation.........
The Referee Store
Goal stands. He'd left & re-entered the FOP with your permission (by going to get the ball in a sporting manner) and has done nothing wrong. Defender is brainless!
Lol...tricky tricky tricky. Laws 1-17 would say goal stands.

Law 18 would ask whether thrower was aware of where the other attacker was - did attacker change direction in order to gain the advantage? Perhaps re-take throw.

While it's never happened to me as OP states, I do tend to hold up the thrower until all players are on the FOP. Particularly in a case like this where the player was being sporting by retrieving the ball, I would argue the thrower was being unsporting in not waiting for him to return to the FOP.

As i say so, letter of the Good Book, goal should stand, but common sense would say hold the throw until all are in FOP.
It was one of those funny things....the defender was shaping up to hurl the ball up to the half way line in the opposite direction of the returning attacker, so at this point it didn't look like it would make a difference to the game. Last second he switches and throws inside. No way he saw the attacker returning.

Just glad it was an in house training match.

I have learnt a very valuable lesson!