The Ref Stop

What would you do when....

Gary Milton

Level 7 Referee
Hey all,

Had an incident today which would be good to get your views on...

White and blue player come together, white links arms with blue and fouls him... Whistle blown, foul.
Then (This is how I saw it...) blue, with clenched fist swings, from behind at the midrift of white striking him on the side above his hip.
Both players square up a little bit of handbags.
I send the blue player off for violent conduct. Cue the i didn't touch him ref, bla bla bla..
THEN... unexpectedly.. the white player, jumps to his defense and says blue never touched him....

I obviously stick to my guns as i cannot withdraw the red card... game continues, blue team obviously not happy, but both sides calling the decision incorrect.

It was the last thing i expected, and obviously gets you questioning the decision. I keep going over it in my mind and cannot see how I got it wrong, especially given the reaction of the white player immediately after??

Anyone had a similar experience, any advice?

The Ref Stop
Violent conduct doesn't need to make contact to be a red, correct decision.

The fact the punch may not have landed doesn't change the intent, which according to the LOTG requires a red.
i've had a few occasions where opposition players ask me not to caution / send off players from the other team - they all know about fines

imho, be happy with your decision and move on
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