Junior/Youth What was the point of that?


Well-Known Member
Did an U18 game between Blues and Yellows today. The game finished 1-0 and was a closely fought game throughout. A really bad incident overshadowed the game though...

In the 85th minute, during a corner to Blues, as it was cleared Blue 18 stamped on Yellow 12's leg (deliberate). At which point they squared up to each other and started putting their hands into each others faces multiple times. During this, the Blue 18 spat at the face of the Yellow 12. As soon as they separated, both were dismissed for violent conduct. What was the point of ruining their seasons by doing that?

On another note, should I put this through as violent conduct for both of them but report Blue 18's continuing misconduct or should I put it through as spitting for Blue 18 and mention the VC (worst offense)
The Referee Store
It's the original sending off for VC on one report and a separate misconduct report for spitting imo
Thanks Aled - I find the WGS confusing with misconduct reports with the 'Misconduct' section. It offers the opportunity to say Yes, No or Unsure. This confuses me because if it wasnt misconduct it wouldnt be reported? Does anyone understand that?
Thankfully I've never seen, I hope never to witness, spitting on a football pitch. The lowest of low and most disgraceful thing I could ever imagine seeing.
Just write the incident in full on one report. It cuts out the paperwork and the FA get all the info they need and can make charges based on the one report exactly the same as they could if there were two.

(One per player I mean)