What is wrong with people?

I'm afraid that's the impression I get on here sometimes

Players ruin their own weekends mate. We get enough from players who seem to think that referees are directly responsible for every single action a player takes. Referees shouldn't be promoting that nonsense as well ;-)
A&H International
You're right, they do. And obviously they should be dealt with accordingly. Yesterdays "cheat" incident, it was the first time it happened. There's a few people on here (and my Ref. Sec) who's opinions I value, so obviously this has been a lesson learnt. As I said, I'm thick skinned and it takes more than being called a cheat to offend me... If people want to insult me, do it. But, they will be disciplined for it. Maybe I chose the wrong colour card in the first instance, but my thought process was simple. it was his first offence, the first time I'd spoken to him, a small moment of frustration and as a result he's made himself look like a tool.
I think what you're talking about here is the desire to keep the players on the pitch overriding issues of match control and your status. I have a similar problem and have to tell myself exactly what people are saying here - it doesn't matter if I'm personally offended or not (and to an extent that depends on my mood after all) there are some instances that will determine whether match control is likely to slip or not.

Compare it to the relatively minor but incessant questioning of every decision by a player - in themselves they are innocuous, but they start to irritate and, more importantly, if not dealt with send the message that the behaviour is acceptable. Other players join in and sooner or later you're having a miserable time and players are getting more and more aggravated. If you deal with it decisively and assertively early on, most times it settles back down and you all have a good time.

When players see others getting away with calling your integrity into question this is an escalation of the above, which is why people generally feel it needs to be dealt with immediately and in a strong way - hence the automatic red.
I agree with the above. The game was well under my control, there were a few instances where my decisions were questioned, particularly leading up to half time (as you'd expect). But then, using the "stepped approach" that we are taught from day one, I called the captains to me at half time to put the message across that it would no longer be tolerated.

Apart from the one incident in the OP, the only other card was for simulation. Even after the dismissal, I felt in control throughout the whole game and not once felt that my judgement, ability or control to be jeopardised at any point throughout the game. I understand the word "cheat" is almost as bad as the other "C" word to some people.

I say no more ;)
take it as a learning point from more experienced referees, the cheat word towards a referee is a red card always, no excuse
I agree with the above. The game was well under my control, there were a few instances where my decisions were questioned, particularly leading up to half time (as you'd expect). But then, using the "stepped approach" that we are taught from day one, I called the captains to me at half time to put the message across that it would no longer be tolerated.

Apart from the one incident in the OP, the only other card was for simulation. Even after the dismissal, I felt in control throughout the whole game and not once felt that my judgement, ability or control to be jeopardised at any point throughout the game. I understand the word "cheat" is almost as bad as the other "C" word to some people.

Don't get too hung up on the stepped approach.

There will be times when it just needs a card. A common threat to match control is referees who rely too rigidly on the stepped approach.
At grassroots level it only really works if you happen to have that rare breed of sensible captain rather than the hardest, biggest or loudest player who gets the armband.
Most of the time you're urinating into a Force 9!
I was going to caution for calling me a cheat. Personally, I didn't appreciate it but I wasn't particularly offended, water off a ducks back I suppose. I've not been called that before when reffing so it was quite strange territory.

I had a call from my ref. sec. after the game (he's also in my RA society) who said that just for calling me a cheat, he should have walked. Lesson learnt there.

The player went and sat in the dugout whilst I was talking to the manager. Before restarting play, I look over to the dugout and see the player sat there. I then (so not to make an already hostile relationship even worse) ask the manager to get him to leave the vicinity, which he does with his tail between his legs.

A moment of madness it seems as I was told this was his first red and he's usually got a good discipline record. Completely irrelevant though, I have a high tolerance level but this was just ridiculous.
Always red for being called a cheat, otherwise you become last week's ref
In short Brian, No. The CFA/Leagues state that games must be played with a referee in the ordered months. It basically says that a referee shall be nominated between the teams in the event of an appointed referee becoming unavailable in April/May (the end of the season).

The problem is (I'm told), there's a shortage of level 4 referee's in the county. Because of that, level fives are having to step up to the games the 4's are doing, the 6's are then having to take charge of the senior games that the 5's do, they then force the 7's up. There are plenty of level 6 & 7 referees, but they all get taken from the lower leagues and filtered upwards. One of my proposals at the League AGM is that where a referee is appointed to a match, in the event of him/her being reassigned, the game should go ahead with a nominated official from one of the clubs. If not, they get fined. I believe that's the rule for most leagues

There's a large number of games that should have been played during the summer, that didn't because the teams couldn't agree a referee. This paired together with the weather of late has amassed a huge fixture backlog. With no season extension either, the teams down here are up against it.

I'm afraid that's the impression I get on here sometimes
Sensible proposal and as I've already said is in line with the Standard Code of Rules (SCOR) for leagues. Can't understand why they won't implement it in full. A simple alternative would be to insist every club sends two representatives on a referees course. That way, there is a greater chance of a qualified official being available. Leagues aren't by and large, poor financially, so offering to kit out a person who qualifies might just be the inducement others need to follow your path.
Don't get too hung up on the stepped approach.

There will be times when it just needs a card. A common threat to match control is referees who rely too rigidly on the stepped approach.
At grassroots level it only really works if you happen to have that rare breed of sensible captain rather than the hardest, biggest or loudest player who gets the armband.
Most of the time you're urinating into a Force 9!
Also you have to recognise that sometimes when you're running up steps, you don't hit every single one before reaching the top ;)
That's where I stepped up in October. I got fed up with having games postponed all the time. For our fixtures, I'd always volunteer to take the whistle. Most of the teams declined that offer, worried I'd be biased. In one game I've officiated, I've yellow carded players and even sent one off in one game from my team.

Aft a while, I got fed up and contacted the CCFA about getting on a course. I couldn't at the time as there was no interest and they couldn't just train me. So I rallied up some troops and got a course arranged with the financial backing of the leagues that were short of refs. The course cost was £50 which was supposed to then refunded after you'd officiated ten games among these leagues (they didn't refund me, the tinkers). 11 new referees qualified from that game, including one that made the national newspapers (ex glamour model).

I'm now arranging the second course which is due to take place in April. Again I've done the donkey work. I've got 14 signed up at the moment so that should help the leagues out a bit. I hope anyway :)

Hopefully there will be an alteration to competition rules come next year, because the backlog of games down here really is bad.
Very rarely do we get almost universal agreement on this forum, however we appear to have it.

Refereeing is never black and white, but when a player calls me a cheat, they're walking. Every. Single. Time.

I once had a conversation with a less experienced colleague who had failed to dismiss a player when he was called a cheat. He too, didn't get it. Perhaps this is something that needs to be communicated more clearly on the referees courses?
Matthew, it's nothing about communication on courses. This was simply something that didn't bother me. I've been in the military for 7 years now. I've been called a lot worse, treated a lot worse.... Things like that just don't phase me. Unfortunately, that clouded my judgement on this occasion.
I think it's probably more about explaining what OFFINABUS is actually supposed to cover. I mentioned in another thread that a religious referee may take offence to somebody using the Lord's name in vain, but it's unreasonable to send off for that.

But hey, DB has said what happened, come on here, we've had a discussion and he's taken on board what's said. Forum is working as it should :)
I got called a waste of sperm on Saturday. That was a new one!!

He'd already been sent off in the 36th minute of his cup semi final for his vile mouth.
He seemed to think that after the game he could carry on with it.

Further reported for that to!