The Ref Stop

Were they offside?


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Reds vs Maroon. Maroon awarded free kick 10 yards from the left side of the penalty area. All player's take up position level with the penalty spot.

Ref blows whistle and Reds push out to edge of the area leaving 3 Maroons in.

Ball struck at goal and all three Maroon's start to move towards the goal ending up within a couple of yards of the Keeper inside the goal area as the ball bounces and ends up in the net straight from the shot

What you giving....
The Ref Stop
From the description, GOAL unless any of the 3 were directly in the line of sight of the goalkeeper when the free kick was taken.
Sounds like a goal. From what you've written, at the time the ball was struck the players were not interfering with the goalkeeper.
Yes......but being in an offside position is not necessarily an offence in it's own right
A goal, no interfering also there is a kit clash with Red & Maroon (2 similar colours)